Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1118
Mods: none
Bug Description:
I have a problem with ingame interacting with benches, thralls and game layouts. It all seems like one big lag, in which I am only able to run around, but “E” interaction won’t do anything. I need to restart the whole game to fix this, but this solution lasts only few minutes and after that the problem occurs again. Also following thralls appear to be just “running in one place” when the lag shows up. Waiting for it to fix itself won’t work, removing the bracelet won’t do anything, neither will do exiting to main menu - the only short term solution is restarting the whole game.
Bug Reproduction:
Launch the game, do things as usual and in short time after logging in the interaction problem occurs. Restart the game to fix this and see the problem repeating over and over randomly after few minutes in the game.
I also confirm 1014 official
thrall and npg running on the location without moving (Pagoda of Boundless Lusts), Before the patch all this was happening in New Asagarth and around Mounds of the Dead: npg disappearing from my view but hitting, placed objects of the base not being loaded H-6 (watch video), you have to hover over them to make them appear and not all of them appear, I have been writing the report for a few minutes and the objects in base have not appeared yet…
Personal reflection…it all looks worse to me but I am not an expert.
and thanks for your reply. I haven’t tried it in single player or other PvE servers so far, because I play only on one PvP server (1118) these days.
I could make a video of this problem when I have time for it. You will also see there player list not showing, doors not closing or removing bracelet option not working at all (meaning some of the layouts freeze as well). The only thing I am able to interact with in those cases is the Treasure Coffer.
The only problem is I never know when this issue will occur (and if - today it happened only two times during the afternoon on EU server) and I never record my gameplay, but will try to record it next time if the issue appears more times in a row.
Another additional info: This was not happening before the releasing of the first hotfix.
I am not experiencing those jumping lags - the game continues fluently, only with the exception of not being able to interact with anything besides the Treasure coffer and not being able to harvest or pick up anything. Any NPC or thrall is unresponding and running in the place. Only one time I got “Lost connection” message and ended up in main menu, other times the game would stay like this without crashing, until I forced it to end via task manager.
So I managed to record the problem @Caroll, here is the link:
I also left the game be in this state for about 5 minutes and eventually I got “Lost connection” message. I guess it’s inevitable in those cases, only I rarely waited that long for it to occur.
I want to remind this topic and add some more information about this ongoing problem:
Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1118
Mods: none
Bug Description:
I still experience huge and very frequent freezing lags in game, no matter during which activity. The game suddenly stops responding, I am not able to interact with anything, thralls and NPCs start running in place. I always need to force-kill the game from the Task manager. If I don’t do it, after several minutes I get “lost connection” message.
Bug Reproduction:
Play the game the way as usual and witness those huge freezing lags appearing randomly approx. each 15-30 minutes in game.
Aditional info:
the problem is also happening on the PvE servers I play on
it is happening even on empty server with only me online
I’ve noticed this problem to be more frequent during afternoon hours (EU)
I have stable internet - the lags are happening without any coherence to the wifi or data connection
the lags are not connected to any special in-game activity, it will happen even when I am 20 minutes afk and doing nothing in the game actively
after this problem occurs I usually get infinite loading screen which would prevent me from re-entering the game for next x minutes
the issue appeared after the first hotfix of AoW ch. 2
Video of the lag during ongoing purge is below.
Not to mention I almost lost some thralls, and another workbenches again (to the demolishers), because the purge was still going on, with me not being able to get back into game. And when I managed get back, It took forever to render few doors and other placeables, So I could not help my thralls to defend against the purge.
I would really be grateful for any advice or tips for solving of this, because the game started to be almost unplayable to me thanks to this issue.
I support another such topic. I have my own server where players constantly complain that thralls sometimes stand still, even when they are hit by enemies and teleport if they follow the character. Only restarting the server helps, and not for long.
Even with normal ping and performance, the situation is just as bad. The hotfix update did not completely resolve these issues.