Efficient Harvest will sometimes not apply to the final hit of a resource node

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: None
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Efficient Harvest will sometimes not apply to the final hit of a resource node.

Bug Reproduction:

Hit a resource with something used to harvest resources.

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It actually is giving double on final hit. It’s having the Hard Worker perk that’s making you think it’s not. Try respeccing to Careful Harvest and see that those final hits are giving you half what the previous hits gave.

What’s happening is you’re harvesting nodes that would normally have been harvested in an odd number of hits without Hard Worker.

Example: you find a rock that normally harvests in 5 hits without Hard Worker. With Hard Worker it harvests in 3 but the final hit only gives half what the first 2 hits gave because it’s still only going to give you 5 hits worth of mats. With efficient harvest that half amount is doubled and appears to give you the same amount for all 3 hits.

Oh, that explains it. Thank you.

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