Eldarium-Reinforced Chest missing

Game mode: [ | Online private |)]
Type of issue: [ | Bug | Performance | Other ]
Server type: [ PvP ]
*Region: [ us west coast ]
Hardware: [ PS4 slim]

Bug Description:

Upon unlocking the recipe and after heading to the artisan table, where it clearly states crafting at artisan worktable, but upon checking the desired craft was nowhere to be found. I double checked that I indeed had the ability/feat learned but alas I am unable to do so.

Expected Behavior:

Expected to be able to craft them

Steps to Reproduce:

Opened inventory menu, scrolled over to feats, checked to make sure recipe was indeed inside, stroll over to table and proceed to cry.

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I had them in the artisans bench. I used a yellow potion. They are now gone. Luckily I remember where the recipe is

Yes. This seems to be the case when I use a yellow potion, they vanish from the being able to be made. Yet, they’re still there in my feats. A number of other feats vanish also, like pirate banners. But not all of them, and I do not believe that is how it’s supposed to work. The feats you learn on the map via books or items aren’t supposed to vanish if I recall.

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Hey @Iswut

Just to confirm, the issue seems to be that drinking a yellow potion causes Eldarium recipes to disappear until re-learned, right?

Just to make sure we got the information right before informing our team. Thanks in advance for the info.

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Yes. I’ll try to take a video of it tomorrow if I am able.

Thank you again.

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Thanks for the confirmation. The video is not needed, this issue seems pretty straightforward to confirm based on the info provided :smiley:
We’ve sent your report to our team to see if we can reproduce it on our end.


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