Elevator Vertical, Cant be placed if the blocks are less then 8 foundations high

Basic Info:

Platform: PC
Storefront: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Server Name: n/a
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

Elevator Vertical, Cant be placed if the blocks are less then 8 foundations high, It just states "unable to fund valid end location” when attempting to place it on walls/foundation less then 8 blocks high

It can only be place on the 8th block or higher.

Seem to be a new bug, as I could place the “Elevator Vertical” last week with out no issue

Bug Reproduction:

tried all means to place it.
It wont place on my 6 wall high base.

Only can be placed if I build walls/foundation to being above 8 blocks high.

I had an issue with elevators last patch, but on console. Some of the regulars here pointed out to me that elevators are allergic to doorframes, sometimes even wall/windows.

It’s pretty damn weird, but if you’ve a doorframe there remove it and try again. If you can post a screenshot or video too it’d be easier for us to help figure it out.

I can now upload screenshots. See below

Here are screenshots below.

2 screenshots below shows elevator will not snap on is and not able to be built while attempting to place it on foundations or walls that are below 8 foundation high.

Screenshot below shows it can now be built once you reach 8th foundation high block

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