Endless loading while trying to connect to server

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Misc
Server type: PvP 1305
Region: eu

i apologize for creating identical topics, but I hurried to delete the first one after reading that the clean installation fixes the problem and dont know how to abandon topic deletion :c
clean install, check game files in steam didnt fixes probem.

i played yesterday but today i can’t join to server 1305 but other people i see on battlemetrics playing so maybe it’s problem with my game and i write here instead of g-portal. i just get endless loading when i trying join. other servers i try to joing are fine

Hey there @owaimori

Is this issue still happening for you?

no, today i can log in without problems
dont know why i had this problem yesterday when another people playing

@Ignasi The same seemed to happen to me earlier, as I described in a reply in that patch post here: PC Patch (02.05.2019) - Bug fixes and optimizations

Hey @Larathiel

In your case it looks like the dreaded building loading issue struck again, unfortunately. A server restart should fix it if our hunch is correct.

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Hopefully that’s all that it is. Lots of folks on the server are paranoid right now because there have been so many things that keep disappearing: tables, carpets, wheels of pain, even 168-hour bases with maprooms that were visited well before the time limit was reached.

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