Endurance Remains at zero

Hello, my character has no more stamina… the yellow gauge no longer wants to go up, it stays at 0, what should I do?

Try unequip/re-aquip tool or weapon.

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Already done I removed everything deco and reconnected nothing works

That brings up a lot of questions, I don’t want to ask you dumb things like “are you encumbered?” Are you hanging on the side of a cliff? etc

Stamina refreshes when the character is at rest. Not using a weapon, not holding on to a wall or vertical surface climbing, or in mid climb.

Stamina refresh will require a game client “check in” so to speak with the game server. The game server keeps tabs on the player’s stamina. If your are experiencing significant lag, or have a poor connection to the game server you are connected to - this may lead to problems with your stamina refreshing while the player is at rest.

It is sometimes possible to end up having some kind of a game client “de-sync” issue that makes your stamina bar get stuck. There are a number of glitches that will get the player in a stuck state. And sometimes the only way to correct these is to 1) perform a bracelet pull to kill your character, and then come back from your bedroll to pick up your items, or 2) log off from the game world, and then log back in.

If you are making use of mods, or if you are in a non-standard game (private server, single player, co-op…) these are all bits of information that would help us to understand why your stamina bar is stuck.

As I had this the last two days twice on Xbox I can say 1) works but 2) not (for me) which let me assume it is not a connection issue. (official PVE)

This might have something to do with the Fatalities bug/glitch. I know that when you get lined up to perform a Fatality, it “locks” the player character into an sort of an emote pose. I believe that the Fatalities use the emote system, and that system will lock out any sort of actions, hotbar use, etc., and might include stamina refreshes.

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