Game mode: [Single-player]
Type of issue: [Bug | Misc]
Server type: [Single-player]
Region: [USA]
This is another one that has probably been brought up before. And again searching for corruption brings up so many threads that I get tired just thinking about reading them all. So again my apologies if this has already been brought to attention.
I have noticed that where I enter corruption isn’t the same place as where I leave the corruption. Leaving is always a bit farther out than where I entered. I included the “misc” tag because I think it might just be possible that corruption clings to a person thus resulting in it taking longer to leave than it did to enter.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
- Walk into corruption.
- Note where you were when you started gaining corruption.
- Walk out of the corruption.
- Note where you were when the corruption stopped affecting you.