Epic Punching Daggers

Hi all! Is there a recipie for Epic Punching daggers? I only see options up to Hardened Steel Punching Daggers in my game. Is that the highest or is there a recipe I need to unlock somewhere other than my feats?



If you don’t hear from anyone go into your offline game and try admin panel. Good luck :+1:


Or the Wiki:

And in going to the Wiki for those links I saw this:

What the heck??? Anyone ever find a pair of those before? :eyes: :astonished:


Thanks @TeleTesselator ! I didn’t realize there were so many legendary options…thats good. So no “Epic” punch daggers that you can make from star metal, correct?

Also, war sickles…hehe…gotta find those :wink:


I admin some on my server. Fun to chop imps heads off with although the animation requires a little imagination. :grinning:


Siptah, but they work as whirlwind blades not as punching daggers.
Tip. The skeleton boss that you kill for infused wraps? Kill him more often :grin:. I loved this boss in exile lands but in Siptah? I idore it :wink:.


OK @Jester09, claws share the animation of the punching daggers. That means that you stand a really good chance of having a powerful set in both maps. The problem remains on exile lands map that the drop in den for these claws seem mission impossible :pensive:. Why? 1st)The boss is not main spawn
2nd)It drops 4 things
One, cleaver
Two, hammer
Three, claws
Four, nothing…
And guess what, “nothing” is more common :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Yet these claws are really powerful, they worth the effort.
In Siptah however you get a bunch of claws, legendary punch daggers and recipes for epic on both. What I would suggest you however is to take some husk statues to the Grey pools, you’ll get a bunch of legendary claws, after some visits you’ll fill a chest or drop them.
Have fun m8, good luck :+1:t6:.


Can’t you craft claws in EL? I thought you could…


Yes you can, but epic? I never try it, later on I 'll check.

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For crafting epic claws, the Wolf Vault weaponry includes claws as well as Greatswords, Greataxes, and non punchy daggers.

A little over 40 damage, a little under 7% pen, bonuses to Strength and Agility.

This one has never crafted them without a blacksmith thrall, so the base stats are estimated.

That is the only craftable set of epic katar/claw/knuckle dusters this one knows of.
So, not exactly an option on Exiled Lands.
Jhebbal Sag claws are decent, but last time this one used them, they were not up to Epic levels, but perhaps with a good priest for crafting they are?


The ghoul in the Ruins of X’chotl occasionally drops some.

I’m more of a Dagon Dagger fan when it comes to daggers though.


It’s been years since i fixed sag religion Altair tier 3. I don’t even remember, except the basics what this Altair provides, especially on weapons and armors. I will check it later. If however it does provides claws, surely the quest to find a named priest and upgrade to tier 3 worth the shot.

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Thanks for all the answers! yeah, I am currently on a key farming mission to get one of those legendary claws/punch daggers. Im on EL so no sipta claws for me :frowning: I like the daggers alot but have fell in love with the attack patter of the punching daggers.

Thanks again!


This one checked the Jhebbal Sag claws…
They seem better than the base Wolf Claws, by Damage and Pen %
However, they lack the Sizable Sat bonuses.

So an EL option for a higher end claw is to pay great homage to the King of Beasts.


They won’t come from legendary chests and skeleton keys unfortunately. You have to go to Den. It has a small Arena, in the middle of this Arena a mini boss werehyena spawns. Kill it and loot it. Yet…
It doesn’t always spawn
It doesn’t always give loot
Good luck :+1:t6:

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