Basic Info:
Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Bug Description:
This is a very strange bug(?), and one which thus far I have been fortunate not too encounter on my Singleplayer game. I really need some help with this one please @Community if possible, as I do not know how to approach this, or for that matter what exactly it is. So my friend @UNfun invited me to join him on his private PvP server, and this is where we noticed the issues. Oddly enough it only affected myself and not him. Although he believes that @stelagel has encountered this bug before too. So here is what happens. There are a few different bizzare goings on.
1) Equipping Items to Slots: Whenever I would attempt to equip a new item onto my character, it would very briefly equip then unequip the item immediately afterwards. This would occur regardless whether I attempted to equip by hilighting the item using the cursor then pressing ⥠to equip it or if I press X on the item then manually move it over to the desired armor slot (drag and drop). The outcome was always the same, and it would occur regardless of whether there was an armor piece already equipped in that armor slot, or nothing at all equipped. Here is a short video:
2) Equipping to the Radial Wheel: occurs when we attempt to move an item from the inventory to the radial wheel. So we place the cursor above the desired item, hold L1 then press X to equip it like we normally would any other time. However, the item will not be moved to the desired place on the radial wheel. This occurs whether there is already an item equipped which we are trying to swap out or if the slot, and also if the slot is already empty. The only way to move items to the radial wheel is for the game to move them to an already empty slot automatically if we have just crafted it.
3) Dropping Items: so here is another strange occurence. It occurs when I attempt to drop an item from the player inventory. For example a trying set of medium armor gloves, I will hover the cursor over then then hit the Triangle button to drop item, and it will either drop the item on the square to the left of it, or an item which was not even in my inventory at the time, such as 33 of demon blood. Very strange right.
Why this is so problematic?
It makes the game crazy challenging to play. The only way to reliably drop items is to die, and the only way to reliably equip something is to craft it in the handcrafting menu (eg- coarse fibre clothing) to have it moved automatically to our arlor slots. Even trying to get a bedroll placed is an excercise in frustration and convoluted workarounds. I have tried to Remove the Bracelet and tried to Recreate Character, but neither of which work.
Bug Reproduction:
This is tricky, it is a very weird issue, and even trying to articulate it or find the most accurate terminology is not easy. All I know is that I logged in and created a character and started to play the game, and it was almost immediately apparent. I do not know how else to convey this bizzare issue.