Equipping Items Bug(?). Very Strange Issue, Need Help

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands

Bug Description:


This is a very strange bug(?), and one which thus far I have been fortunate not too encounter on my Singleplayer game. I really need some help with this one please @Community if possible, as I do not know how to approach this, or for that matter what exactly it is. So my friend @UNfun invited me to join him on his private PvP server, and this is where we noticed the issues. Oddly enough it only affected myself and not him. Although he believes that @stelagel has encountered this bug before too. So here is what happens. There are a few different bizzare goings on.

1) Equipping Items to Slots: Whenever I would attempt to equip a new item onto my character, it would very briefly equip then unequip the item immediately afterwards. This would occur regardless whether I attempted to equip by hilighting the item using the cursor then pressing □ to equip it or if I press X on the item then manually move it over to the desired armor slot (drag and drop). The outcome was always the same, and it would occur regardless of whether there was an armor piece already equipped in that armor slot, or nothing at all equipped. Here is a short video: Equiping bug

2) Equipping to the Radial Wheel: occurs when we attempt to move an item from the inventory to the radial wheel. So we place the cursor above the desired item, hold L1 then press X to equip it like we normally would any other time. However, the item will not be moved to the desired place on the radial wheel. This occurs whether there is already an item equipped which we are trying to swap out or if the slot, and also if the slot is already empty. The only way to move items to the radial wheel is for the game to move them to an already empty slot automatically if we have just crafted it.

3) Dropping Items: so here is another strange occurence. It occurs when I attempt to drop an item from the player inventory. For example a trying set of medium armor gloves, I will hover the cursor over then then hit the Triangle button to drop item, and it will either drop the item on the square to the left of it, or an item which was not even in my inventory at the time, such as 33 of demon blood. Very strange right.

Why this is so problematic?
It makes the game crazy challenging to play. The only way to reliably drop items is to die, and the only way to reliably equip something is to craft it in the handcrafting menu (eg- coarse fibre clothing) to have it moved automatically to our arlor slots. Even trying to get a bedroll placed is an excercise in frustration and convoluted workarounds. I have tried to Remove the Bracelet and tried to Recreate Character, but neither of which work.

Bug Reproduction:

This is tricky, it is a very weird issue, and even trying to articulate it or find the most accurate terminology is not easy. All I know is that I logged in and created a character and started to play the game, and it was almost immediately apparent. I do not know how else to convey this bizzare issue.


While I’ve not directly run into these myself, they sound very similar to reports others have made (possibly all on consoles?). I notice in the screenshot that your inventory is sorted by Name - one common thing that seems to have worked for others is to make sure all inventories are set to ‘No Sort’. As I understand it, that has worked for others to resolve (I believe) all three of these issues.

Worth noting that even if this workaround is successful it doesn’t erase the existence of the issues themselves, it just (potentially) allows people to play while waiting (hoping) for a fix.


Now that i see this i have to admit, i always have the sam issue with the chests being sorted on the official PvE server in @stelagel 's weapon chamber.

I am not able to move single items between the chests and my inventory.
If i want a single item from the chest, i have to use the take all option to completely empty the chest.
And then i put all the items i don’t need back into it.

I’ve also seen people reporting this issue with the reward chests from the purge. (And also had this issue with the purge loot myself)

Inventory UI overhaul is lovely
 but to be gentle, it could need further improvement. :sweat_smile:


This has happened to me on Xbox since the overhaul. :unamused:

The only way I have ‘fixed’ it is setting it to sort nothing. It’s nice to see this is happening on private servers too. (I mean that as sarcastically as possible.)

If not sorting doesn’t work sometimes pulling the bracelet does. I often have ghost items in my inventory that don’t show up until I do and it’s always a key or random bit of coins.


Thank you very much. So it might be be the sorting @Croms_Faithful and @stelagel :thinking:

I usually don’t sort anything
 maybe that’s why i didn’t have that specific issue on our private?
And every time i hit the sorting button by accident, i immediately reorganize my inventory to custom inventory. :sweat_smile:


I have exactly the same issues in this server. Yet it’s only in this server and @UNfun already wiped the server, press the “fix” button but nothing happened, these problems still remain. The funny part is that the host doesn’t have this issue

Go figure :woman_facepalming:t6:.


You still have it?


Yes, i believe after the weekend ends we’ll have a reply


Hopefully this gets sorted out either by g-portal or Funcom
 i don’t even know who could fix this and how.

But i feel so bad for @Croms_Faithful ! :pleading_face:
I did everything in my power to convince him, but of course something has to go wrong. :roll_eyes:

It was great fun with you nonetheless mate! Me and @stelagel won‘t rest until we found a solution! :heart_hands:

I‘m really happy that i met all you awesome people!


Thank you very much for acknowledging that!
Today we played again and he didn’t use any sorting options
 and he had no issues at all. :thinking:

You should try that again without any sorting options too @stelagel .

But isn’t that funny? We get a new inventory system (nobody asked for) and it can potentially make the game unplayable.

Thank you very much again @Rust , you saved our day! :blush:


 it’s one of the remaining UI bugs as a result of the QoL overhaul + patch. It’s nothing you, Stelagel or Croms did wrong.

The final straw that made me leave PVP and uninstall the game the first time.


I actually hopped on today to put loose items away and I’ve had no issues with sorting by heaviest first. It’s by name that seems to just not work at all. :joy:

Glad to help.


Ok so as UNfun has already kindly pointed out, setting the inventory to ‘Not Sorted’ remedied all three of the above issues. A massive thankyou and shout out to @DanQuixote, @Rust and @Kikigirl for their invaluable tips in providing a workaroumd for this strange bug. I will let the thread stand so that one of our awesome CMs can collect the data, and hopefully devise a fix over time.

Now armed with this workaround I can focus my attwntion on more important matters; like swinging my axe into the heads of in-game Black Hand peons. :smiling_imp: :drop_of_blood: :metal:


Oh i know. This particular bug for me insists only in this server, in none other :rofl:. But i care not, i stopped believe in miracles some time now and i move on with annoying workarounds just to be able and enjoy the company of these fine Gentlemen!
I don’t play online for competition anymore, this stopped for me on 2.4 update before Siptah official release. I play online for friends, fun and laughter. This game don’t have what it needs for competition years now.
I am sorry i am a bit cruel now, but that’s the truth!