Game mode:Online official
Type of issue:Performance | Other
Server type:PvP
Region: [ 1088 ]
Mods?: [ no mods on official server ]
Edition: [ Select one: Steam
Bug Description:
Npc and players move by teleporting and freezes
Energy bar suddenly decreases while running
My health bar drops after a 3 second delay
The damage I deal takes effect after a 3 second delay
Appears 3 seconds after giving my attrıbutes points
and most activities like this happen after 3 seconds
this only happens in 1088
Installed Mods:
no mods on official server
Steps to Reproduce:
Step 1 Transfer your character you played 2 years ago to 1088
Greetings Exile, could you please tell me from which server you transferred to 1088? If the target server is in another region than the one you were using. it might indeed cause lag.
Hello again, there doesn’t seem to be an issue on the server side. If you want, we can offer you another server transfer of your choice and you can try playing on that server. All you have to do is send us a Zendesk ticket and we’ll take care of that for you.