Eu server 3052 official

Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [EU]

I play from Italy, after 7 pm it is impossible to connect, the loading bar reaches the end and remains so, without letting me access. it’s frustrating as a situation. it’s almost a month and I’m very disappointed

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Infinite loading
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No answer and the problem persist. Very sad

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Did you try to install the game again? or the server is full and won’t let you in until they make a space

It’s an ongoing problem that’s been going on for some time, the server is being monitored, and data collected to find out what is going on, but an update would be nice @Hugo @Caroll please

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Its unfortunate that nothing seems to be happening about this, I noticed that the same problem was at server 3051 earlier this year, can you make the same fix to server 3052 please?

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now the problem has worsened, before it was impossible to access in the evening now even in the afternoon, and no one deigns to solve

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