First, I bought the game toward the end of early access.
There were weird bugs, animals stuck spawning in the Oasis lake to the West, Females having the male groans of the guys on the wheel of pain everytime a drink was taken, etc.
Seemed to be fine… but, some oddities still there.
An eleventh emote on the wheel, that was a blank square, that did nothing.
No sound with ‘flirt’, except for a guy sound where you found it, when you used it - on the female character.
Double NPCs, in the city, to the west of the oasis, a merchant was standing on top of herself, etc.
So… I made a new character.
(Redownloaded Conan, etc.)
First thing… Partial nudity - nope… server has “nudity-none” - what?
The solution was to change the setting in two areas… Custom and gameplay.
Even after that, it reverts to no nudity… almost constantly… ???
Its a bit frustrating, was hoping that it was playable without the awkward bugs.
Such as NPCs in the first Oasis, at the beginning, swimming underwater, after getting stuck chasing you.
(Their voices still heard on land threatening you.)
I noticed that crocs, and others don’t really get stuck… though two crocs did… its mainly the humans.
The yog priest, man he ran like he had spasms up and down the ramp after talking to him.
Some things feel improved… the building, etc. Don’t know - its a fun game, but can feel a bit of a turn off with the bugs.
- I would like the ability to go into the buildings of the cities… it would add to the immersion.
(Im on single player, by the way)
Also… day and night cycle - man, cant get that down. I just want a day to be like an hour.
Tried the lowest setting, and it feels like there is no night in the world of Conan! lol!
Combat animations… definitely done well.
There are other things, of course - but these are just a few of my initial impressions.
Again, mainly - still too many bugs! (Silly ones at that, such as fiddling with settings just to get nudity settings working)