Exile Lands Is Completely Messed Up

Game mode: Single-player

Type of issue: Bug | Performance | Other

Server type: PvE

Hardware: Xbox One S

Bug Description:

I have been on the Isle of Siptah map ever since it came out for consoles and just now returned to the exile lands map just to only come to find out that the exile lands are completely messed up.

Bug 1 : Everything is too bright and over saturated.

Bug 2 : Ghost fence no longer has any texture and doesn’t show the patterns.

Bug 3 : Water is no longer clear and when you go under it you can barely see anything with how foggy it is.

Bug 4 : Sand Storm has no texture and no flying debris

Bug 5 : You can’t change it from dawn, noon, or dusk in the admin panel.

Bug 6 : Plants are over saturated and missing their darker color textures.

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