Game mode: ( Single-player | Co-op )
Type of issue: Bug | Performance | Other
Hardware: Xbox One S
Location: U.S. Eastern
These are the following problems I have been experiencing and what I only have found so far.
( 1. ) Custom single player/co-op sliders are messed up and adds numbers. For example player damage taken multiplier it starts out at 1.0 like it should if I go down one its 0.5 then down the last one 0.1 all as it should be. But if I go back up one it says 0.6 not 0.5 then when I put it back to 1.0 it gives me 1.1 not 1.0, all the sliders do this.
( 2. ) The lighting is completely off. On the exile lands and Isles of Siptah. On the exile lands its extremely bright to the point that fixing the gamma will not even help and just makes it worse. While on the isle of siptah it’s way to dark and fixing it with the gamma also doesn’t help and completely throws it off. It makes skin, hair, animals and landscape texture have colors that they shouldn’t.
One example: If I made a character while they hung on the cross or on the ship wreck and I was to choose the third skin option which is a light tan it shows up as that but as soon as I complete it and it loads into the game the skin texture looks like my character got first degree sunburn and is a oranges red like someone gave him a fake tan and turned him into an orange carrot and not a light tan or brown skin texture.
Another example: On the exile lands I use to be able to see every detailed texture of the sand and now It’s so bright its no longer tan with shadowing in it but almost white and all one color. A lot of the times I can’t even look at it with it being so bright and have to wait until the evening in the game to be able to see.
( 3. ) Both on the exile lands and on the isle of siptah the loot chests will do their animation of the lid opening but then the lid will not close. I can click on it again with the lid still open and Ill be able to hear the sound of it reopen while the lid stays in the upright position.
( 4. ) Animals and npc’s don’t load in. I could stand in one place then walk to the right a few steps and nothing will be there. But if I turn around and go the opposite way and look back then the animal or npc’s will be there. I have had times when I was running and nothing would be there as far as I can see then suddenly they will pop in out of no where and instantly kill my character.
( 5. ) Flickering or floating bodies. I could kill an npc then the bodies will either vanish, or they will start to phase in and out rapidly. One second they are there then they are not then they are back again. It does this so fast its like trying to look at a strobe light. Some of the bodies when looking back at them will be frozen in mid air. I could hit them and walk through them and it does nothing. But if I hit the ground under them I get the squishy sound of them being chopped up.
( 6. ) Tanning rack not working right. If I place a tanning rack down and look at it from the front I can see everything from inside of it. But it will not let me pull everything from it. I have to either open the inventory and take it out that way or walk to the back of it to pull everything from it.
( 7. ) Freezing up. It appears that while running on the isle of siptah on the original beach or anywhere near it the game will encounter spots where it will freeze up then after some time it will skip. If I go north or south then it doesn’t do it. It seems to only take place in the full length of row 7 on the map.