Hello fellow exiles ,
it’s been a pleasure to have been part of this community and I wanted to share my story before leaving .
I have started playing conan exiles in march of 2019 . I remember it like it was yesterday , I was in between 2 jobs at that time , and one of my friends told us that there was a free week-end to test this game he’ve heard some good stuff about : Conan Exiles . With our group of IRL gamer friends we installed the game and started playing on an Offcial PVE-C server . I immediately fell in love with the game , so much so that i litteraly spent 72 hours playing straight with the only disconnection to buy the game ( unheathy , yes , but damn it was so good ) . at the end of witch we got a purge while my clanmates were exploring in the north . As we started playing with no knowledge of the games mechanics , I didn’t knew what it meant untill getting destroyed back to ground 1 by a black hand purge . while my friends were “trying” to come back to help . At that moment I raged quitted the game , a bit out of spite , mostly because I was tired.
After a good night of sleep and well rested , I relaunched the game and started rebuilding our starter base with our friends , on the island of the broken bridge at noob river . But with the “trauma” of what had just happened the day before , I also started building what would become our HQ for the rest of the adventure . But at the time I didn’t told my clanmates I was building it. It started as an in case of purge desctruction of our starter base , we had this building with stuff I personnaly farmed and looted , safe .
We started by building a few small 4x4 shack one along the river going up north or the broken bridge , another after having passed the unnamed city upper area and sneaked pass the dragon to the oasis near the den not noticing that a Rhino boss was near , we built a shack not far from it’s chest and learn the power of a spear and a wall But we couldn’t do anyhing with the key as we were still around level 30 . While going North we pushed to the bottom of the river just passed the mountains north of the shattered springs where a few baby bears and their parent lives , and built another shack there , then we splitted , I went further north while my clanmates went over the savanah north of sepemeru , 2 of them settled there for a while and started a treehouse base , while I pushed a bit more north to build on the top of a mountain , right in front of a small camp where 4 frost giants guard live . at the starter base we started to build a wheel of pain and an annimal pen , I’ll always remember my fight with ciria to knock her out to become my first thrall , with an amzadi the wanderer not long after , this amzadi with 9900 hp would become my n°1 follower untill the lvling system was introduced , the game was full of discovery at that time , and I have started chatting with the people from other clans , on the general chat .
From the other clans , 2 would “stick out of the rest” , lets named them BL and BFB for the sake of this history , these 2 clans had built over the server a nice set of maprooms and stairs , that would ease out the general journey , as well as to prevent people from blocking important POI , ( let’s remember that at that time the policy was that FC would not interfere in “political matters within the server” and only griefing or hacking/exploiting would be acted upon … ) their main bases were majestic , and impressive , it honestly was inspiring to eye , big yes , but at the same time respectfull of others and well thought . They would also often help new comers with advices , or their purges offer starter pets ect… their mentality was that it’s nicer to have a thriving community and fight mighty oponents , than to crush them when they can’t fight back .
After a few month after having started around the middle of the summer holidays , a new commer would come to change the ambiance of the server . He started by kiting bosses ( that had no leach at that time at all , you could cross the hole map with a boss following you as long as you didn’t outrun him) , and people that were on holiday would start losing guardian thralls all around as he would collect the remains of the fight , if the thrall wins , a key , if the thralls loose armor and weapons and whatever else they had in their inventory , eviil but smart … nothing that couldn’t be avoided if you placed them inside your base ( depending of the amount of space / thralls you had of course ) , he found a way to lvl up really fast after reaching the lvl 38 , and then he built a square base on top of the star shaped island where the shaleback king lives north of sepemeru . Once he reached lvl 60 , he started to be more “vocal” on the general chat , and without stoping his boss kiting techniques would also scout the bases of new commers in pvp time to grief them ( a lot of them said they sent a report at that time but it didn’t seem to have had an impact for the time being ) . After a month or two , the level of toxicity had reach such a point that a bunch of player left the server, 2 solo players of wich that had become in game friends before his arrival , while leaving my clan their belongings , by merging with us before they left , they were scared to “feed the troll” and didn’t want theirs hours spent scoutting in the unamed city to fall in the wrong hands ect… I felt sad , but boy those guys knew how to farm , the amount of resources pushed my clan to another level . This triggered in the troll another behavior , walling off content / people . my clans treehouse north of sepemeru , the 2 buildings that we newly owned , my 2 clanmates that had settled there were glad that they could fall back to the HQ , as their base was unacessible with the thing that they could still refresh it having their bed over there , by the time his walling actions was “stopped” , he had walled off the sobek cave access , the hole savanah north of sepemeru , the vulcano obelisk ( BFB forgot to refresh it once and he jumped on the occasion ) , it’s at this point where the announcement of the leveling thrall system ( with the limit anounced at that time ) that I sent a report on him ( at this time you had to do it via a pm on the forums ) and I don’t know if it’s the desperation in my message or the story that I shared with all the evidence of bad talking to womens and walling off , and griefing noobs ect , but as I received the "thanks for reaching out to us , I will send your report for their consideration " message , an hour after ( I know cause he went to complain of it on the forums with screens and timestamps from his event log ) his bases weren’t there when I logged in the next day , and the server community couldn’t believe it at first … but it was really a joyfull moment for everyone …
the scar of being walled in was impregnated in my 2 clanmates at their sepemeru base , and they start linking it with a small pathway to the base of one of the 2 fellas that left not at crazy distance from their treehouse base , as it made them have an access to water since it was near one of the lakes ( the most eastern one ) .
after a while of playing a few other clans merged with us one had a base near the sinkhole on a mountain , and the other had a base near the mounds of the dead . I made the promise to keep them up for a few months , as the mounds of the dead clan was “just leaving for the summer holidays” , with the itent of comming back, but at the end he came back 2 years after and since I respect the server his base wasn’t there and he took revenge on our HQ and in 2 hours he destroyed all of my clans work / thralls but that’s for later in the story. the others left us with a bad surprise as I discovered they had a bunch of thralls near the telith island ( but still the limit wasn’t implemented and I took “care” of them )
BFB 10 man clan , was starting to lose member to become at the end just a solo player , we merged with him around last winter holidays , it felt natural because he started playing in our clan when siptah came out , From their original buildings we kept only the public maprooms at the obelisks and their HQ that was remodified in a tower plus the altars at the sinkhole obelisk , and a small outpost in the vulcano .
Anyways I’ve always welcomed newcomers and never cared to see new neighbours buildings too close. but now a few days ago after having played with so many friends ( i’ve seen countless of base decay and being built and decay ) My clan has been banned for "building to prevent acces to resources or base location " and honestly event if I can’t deny we have a quite the many buildings now with all those merges and also our own preferences in biomes, it is quite disheartening to see that not a single message to let us know were under the scope of a ban all of what we built over 4 years will just vanish . and that the friendships will end with it too to become just a contact on steam I used to play with .
sorry for the long story , but I wanted to share it before leaving . it was also a pleasure to help people here on the forums ’ when I had the time to do so ’ ,
as the tittle say , Farewell fellow exiles it was a pleasure to have met you