Farewell fellow exiles : My Journey in the exiled lands and the Isle of siptah comes to an end

Hello fellow exiles ,

it’s been a pleasure to have been part of this community and I wanted to share my story before leaving .

I have started playing conan exiles in march of 2019 . I remember it like it was yesterday , I was in between 2 jobs at that time , and one of my friends told us that there was a free week-end to test this game he’ve heard some good stuff about : Conan Exiles . With our group of IRL gamer friends we installed the game and started playing on an Offcial PVE-C server . I immediately fell in love with the game , so much so that i litteraly spent 72 hours playing straight with the only disconnection to buy the game ( unheathy , yes , but damn it was so good :speak_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: ) . at the end of witch we got a purge while my clanmates were exploring in the north . As we started playing with no knowledge of the games mechanics , I didn’t knew what it meant untill getting destroyed back to ground 1 by a black hand purge . while my friends were “trying” to come back to help . At that moment I raged quitted the game , a bit out of spite , mostly because I was tired.

After a good night of sleep and well rested , I relaunched the game and started rebuilding our starter base with our friends , on the island of the broken bridge at noob river . But with the “trauma” of what had just happened the day before , I also started building what would become our HQ for the rest of the adventure . But at the time I didn’t told my clanmates I was building it. It started as an in case of purge desctruction of our starter base , we had this building with stuff I personnaly farmed and looted , safe .

We started by building a few small 4x4 shack one along the river going up north or the broken bridge , another after having passed the unnamed city upper area and sneaked pass the dragon to the oasis near the den not noticing that a Rhino boss was near , we built a shack not far from it’s chest and learn the power of a spear and a wall :sweat_smile: But we couldn’t do anyhing with the key as we were still around level 30 . While going North we pushed to the bottom of the river just passed the mountains north of the shattered springs where a few baby bears and their parent lives , and built another shack there , then we splitted , I went further north while my clanmates went over the savanah north of sepemeru , 2 of them settled there for a while and started a treehouse base , while I pushed a bit more north to build on the top of a mountain , right in front of a small camp where 4 frost giants guard live . at the starter base we started to build a wheel of pain and an annimal pen , I’ll always remember my fight with ciria to knock her out to become my first thrall , with an amzadi the wanderer not long after , this amzadi with 9900 hp would become my n°1 follower untill the lvling system was introduced , the game was full of discovery at that time , and I have started chatting with the people from other clans , on the general chat .

From the other clans , 2 would “stick out of the rest” , lets named them BL and BFB for the sake of this history , these 2 clans had built over the server a nice set of maprooms and stairs , that would ease out the general journey , as well as to prevent people from blocking important POI , ( let’s remember that at that time the policy was that FC would not interfere in “political matters within the server” and only griefing or hacking/exploiting would be acted upon … ) their main bases were majestic , and impressive , it honestly was inspiring to eye , big yes , but at the same time respectfull of others and well thought . They would also often help new comers with advices , or their purges offer starter pets ect… their mentality was that it’s nicer to have a thriving community and fight mighty oponents , than to crush them when they can’t fight back .

After a few month after having started around the middle of the summer holidays , a new commer would come to change the ambiance of the server . He started by kiting bosses ( that had no leach at that time at all , you could cross the hole map with a boss following you as long as you didn’t outrun him) , and people that were on holiday would start losing guardian thralls all around as he would collect the remains of the fight , if the thrall wins , a key , if the thralls loose armor and weapons and whatever else they had in their inventory , eviil but smart … nothing that couldn’t be avoided if you placed them inside your base ( depending of the amount of space / thralls you had of course ) , he found a way to lvl up really fast after reaching the lvl 38 , and then he built a square base on top of the star shaped island where the shaleback king lives north of sepemeru . Once he reached lvl 60 , he started to be more “vocal” on the general chat , and without stoping his boss kiting techniques would also scout the bases of new commers in pvp time to grief them ( a lot of them said they sent a report at that time but it didn’t seem to have had an impact for the time being ) . After a month or two , the level of toxicity had reach such a point that a bunch of player left the server, 2 solo players of wich that had become in game friends before his arrival , while leaving my clan their belongings , by merging with us before they left , they were scared to “feed the troll” and didn’t want theirs hours spent scoutting in the unamed city to fall in the wrong hands ect… I felt sad , but boy those guys knew how to farm , the amount of resources pushed my clan to another level . This triggered in the troll another behavior , walling off content / people . my clans treehouse north of sepemeru , the 2 buildings that we newly owned , my 2 clanmates that had settled there were glad that they could fall back to the HQ , as their base was unacessible with the thing that they could still refresh it having their bed over there , by the time his walling actions was “stopped” , he had walled off the sobek cave access , the hole savanah north of sepemeru , the vulcano obelisk ( BFB forgot to refresh it once and he jumped on the occasion ) , it’s at this point where the announcement of the leveling thrall system ( with the limit anounced at that time ) that I sent a report on him ( at this time you had to do it via a pm on the forums ) and I don’t know if it’s the desperation in my message or the story that I shared with all the evidence of bad talking to womens and walling off , and griefing noobs ect , but as I received the "thanks for reaching out to us , I will send your report for their consideration " message , an hour after ( I know cause he went to complain of it on the forums with screens and timestamps from his event log ) his bases weren’t there when I logged in the next day , and the server community couldn’t believe it at first … but it was really a joyfull moment for everyone …

the scar of being walled in was impregnated in my 2 clanmates at their sepemeru base , and they start linking it with a small pathway to the base of one of the 2 fellas that left not at crazy distance from their treehouse base , as it made them have an access to water since it was near one of the lakes ( the most eastern one ) .

after a while of playing a few other clans merged with us one had a base near the sinkhole on a mountain , and the other had a base near the mounds of the dead . I made the promise to keep them up for a few months , as the mounds of the dead clan was “just leaving for the summer holidays” , with the itent of comming back, but at the end he came back 2 years after and since I respect the server his base wasn’t there and he took revenge on our HQ and in 2 hours he destroyed all of my clans work / thralls but that’s for later in the story. the others left us with a bad surprise as I discovered they had a bunch of thralls near the telith island ( but still the limit wasn’t implemented and I took “care” of them )

BFB 10 man clan , was starting to lose member to become at the end just a solo player , we merged with him around last winter holidays , it felt natural because he started playing in our clan when siptah came out , From their original buildings we kept only the public maprooms at the obelisks and their HQ that was remodified in a tower plus the altars at the sinkhole obelisk , and a small outpost in the vulcano .

Anyways I’ve always welcomed newcomers and never cared to see new neighbours buildings too close. but now a few days ago after having played with so many friends ( i’ve seen countless of base decay and being built and decay ) My clan has been banned for "building to prevent acces to resources or base location " and honestly event if I can’t deny we have a quite the many buildings now with all those merges and also our own preferences in biomes, it is quite disheartening to see that not a single message to let us know were under the scope of a ban all of what we built over 4 years will just vanish . and that the friendships will end with it too to become just a contact on steam I used to play with .

sorry for the long story , but I wanted to share it before leaving . it was also a pleasure to help people here on the forums ’ when I had the time to do so ’ ,

as the tittle say , Farewell fellow exiles it was a pleasure to have met you :hear_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:


If you and your friends still really enjoy this game, I would think building back would be an incredibly satisfying thing to attempt :slight_smile:

I was on one of the servers that got merged. I lost many Purge thralls I still haven’t gotten back. I lost unique crafter thralls from new Asgarth Chieftain hut. Lost all my Greater pets and all my builds. But who cares. After a short break, I came back to the game and am having more fun than ever.

If you don’t love the game anymore, that’s fine of course. But if you still feel that passion to “crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women” give the game another chance and don’t let this one mishap split up your group of Conan friends! Survive. Build. Dominate.


Another case of the weaponized reporting system. GG Funcom, lost another clan.


The last 4 years we have build great bases, beautifull villages and maprooms near every obelisk.
Spend a lot of time with Kanza on the servers. Building, exploring, trading and helping newbees with their first pickaxe :slight_smile:
It was a fun time, pausing for a few months every now and then when another game came along, but always returning.

But now we are suspended, will lose it all and we don’t know what was done wrong.
If we would rebuild we can,t prevent that it happens again, so restarting is no option.
It’s not worth the risk. There are other games to play.

It was fun while it lasted…


I never imagined being banned like this. surely many people would have made the same mistake xD.

"building to prevent acces to resources or base location …
for having accepted several people in his clan who also kept their main house``

you can always try to play in a modded servers. maybe you will love it

@Community you can advise a good modded pve-c servers for this guy ? .

glad to have known you :innocent:

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@Kanza1 I read the whole thing, and I am sorry to hear what has happened to you. I have seen your interactions around the forum over the years and our pathes have intersected often. You are a good member, certainly no troll or griefer. And I am so sorry so hear that your bases have been wiped. I almost left myself when my own was affected by the no building zones. But I was fortunate enough to gain a reprieve. If your decision is made, I can do little more than wish you well and hope you return some day. However, I would first like to make you a suggestion.

Gather @Pinnokio and the rest of your friends and clan mates together, and start a private server. Make your own rules rather than living in fear of another man’s. Once you have had Admin Panel access, you will never want to go back. You will be able to enter Creative Mode and restore everything that was lost to you as it was before in no time at all, and you will never run the risk of being griefed ever again! I would also argue that once you get a taste of the added freedoms that accompany it, (For example- build anywhere you like, admin teleport, bedrolls in dungeons, optional drop equipment on death, explore beyond the cursed wall, optional spell costs, set thralls conversion rates, instantly replace disappeared assets, the list goes ON) you will likely be happier than ever before.


This is good advice. I left 1502 after a similar heavy-handed suspension + wipe incident in October of 2022 that destroyed years of work. I took my friends and clan and started my own server (Tales of Lament).

Haven’t looked back since. Best Conan decision I ever made.


This is exactly the reason why I got a private server. I left both abusive officials and privates because I had enough and I play the way I want to now. I can build to my hearts contempt with the settings I prefer. Nothing gets destroyed, nobody can report or abuse me. I can leave for vacation or play another game now and when I come back everything is still there.

Sometimes its just time to change, move on and/or choose another path. If you do not enjoy the games you play its waisted time.


Just to bring some precision , this message is not meant to be a rant !

Thank you all for the kind messages and advices of going on a private server :heart:

The thing is , that we already tried to play on a private server , we advertised it , added some mods to bring quality of life with vanilla feeling , we also tried other mods after a while , but litteraly no one joined it apart from my clan . And in the end it was more the friends made along the way and the welcoming of new comers that keeps me interested in the game .

It’s not the feeling of one of the most crowded pve-c official eu server ( and it has always been part of the most crowed ones … because of it’s good and welcoming community )

Edit : after speaking on steam I learned that BL clan also received a ban 10 days ago , and they will stop playing after being there from the start , even before us , and they were also welcoming and helpfull players …


I’ve read them and redirected a lot of people to it a lot of time in these forums , i made sure that we never despawn anything , or block any pathway , and I also helped newcomers understand it too , don’t try to bring toxicity were it’s just a goodbye post to the community there is no need for that

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FYI: In my experience this only happens on PVP. Funcom admin pretty well ignores reports on PVE.

You just tore the top off that can a worms.

Lets start with the TOS is vague at best. Open to free interpretation at worst. We have been asking Funcom to write a more concise TOS for a while. Part of that is giving violation/ers a warming. If they don’t rebuild to comply with the warning, they get a time out, and a building wipe.

Now to the other side. Funcom should easily be able to tell if some one or clan is abusing the report system. They need a time out, with explanation. If funcom can’t tell, then they are doing it wrong.

I’ve played since this dropped. I got turned off to PVP in my first online MMO, wont play it; unless I am playing a BR. Part of the reason I quit playing on the public servers is Funcom does not take the TOS seriously on PVE. Every blatant TOS violation I reported got a “Sorry. We’re real busy. Hope this issue solved it’s self. Bye” a week or so later. Don’t worry I solved it. On a private server now.

If your issue is with funcoms admin on the public servers, everyone in the clan chip in and go private. Get/use a good PC and host your self.

I again cannot say goodbye, i will pretend that you are taking a break and eventually you’ll be back.
So the pleasure is all mine master Kanza, thank you for all your help and support all these years.

Exactly! The game is only a small part but really strong chain ring to what you and Kanza, or us with others, gained all these years. It’s the people you met and the time you spend that matters after all.
I am sure you enjoyed it so much that cannot be explained in these lines, but at the bottom line, you are winners my friend from this situation. You cannot see it now, but eventually you will!

If you and Kanza continue to play together, no matter the game, that’s all that matters.
I do have a strong belief that eventually you’ll be back but until then the game and this forum Kanza will be less without you!

Again, thank you and the pleasure is all mine budd… See you soon!


There will be an endless war. an incredible update that they will come here to apologize for seeing blasphemed just kidding xD. I think that siptah is not finished, every dlc in the world or game must have an end, even if they do not want to, they must do it for the good of humanity and their client players and reputation. (I have known players hesitant to buy siptah because it has no end). They have taken away all my power but I have swallowed it because I know there will be more content. The freedom that this game offers me is not given to me by any other that I know of. a sustainable trade would be addictive to buy illusions weapons mechine of war that rotate every 5 days. I will stay to wait and be in the good and bad I hope for good things. :innocent: :innocent:

It’s unfair, their clans are fairplay, respectful and they help us if we have difficulties.
Kanza is a great player, no insults, no disrespect. I don’t think it’s right that he could get banned!


Yeah, my journey’s getting close to coming to an end too. Gonna go play that game that starts with a V. I do not dare to say the full name. Funcom will accuse me of advertising.

My fellow exile @Katia, welcome to the forum. I can easily name you decades of good players and good members in here that they accepted ban for the new rule set.
We need to accept that after this new rule set, official servers have hope again. When we started this game, officials had walls through all the desert, we couldn’t place a bedroll and a campfire from the land claims in the starting river and most of the bosses were destroyed from buildings.
We don’t see these things anymore and that’s a fact.
Yes, it’s beyond sad, members like Kanza to be banned, but this coin has 2 sides.
It’s for good. Players with such experience can fix them selfs in no time in this game.
Rising from your ashes is a different, strong, unique feeling.
Sooner or later Kanza and his friends will experience it.
All it needs, it’s their will to do it, nothing else.

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Might be on PVP. But same can’t be said about PVE.

@stelagel, I strongly have to dissagree here. Official rules should have never implemented the way Funcom did it. Because the way it is now, members turn against members which have turned official servers into another toxic enviroment.

  • I want a spot I report the other person and most likely ban is incoming.
  • I don´t like a person, report the other person and most likely he gets a ban for the creative bogus I came up with I reported him/her for.

Officials no longer are a place where a player can feel save, welcome and at home. You always play in fear of getting banned. This is not good.

Funcom is selling expensive bazar items to its customers. But yet have not managed to limit the building size of a base or the amount of building pieces to offical servers. All problems with building on officals and also private server could have been solved a long time ago with implementing such mechanic. A mechanic that can be turned off or on on private servers. If I can´t build more then its allowed officially I can not break any rules. Periode. And I do not have to be afraid to loose my account to bogus claims of people that love to come to officials to destroy other peoples fun.


When we merge clans we do a clean up. We keep it clean you know. I am sorry for the fact there was no warning but at the same time happy to see funcom keep their server clean from spam.


I think that all the old players have a similar history, i stared to play in 2020 when the game i was used to play (life is feudal mmo) was shut down. Bought the game on a seasonal sale on steam. I delayed to buy from it years because i heard a lot of bad reviews about cheaters, and toxicity, and bugs and lags, some of then in fact true, and some exacerbated. Despite all those problems i loved it from the start. Started with 0 knowledge of the game and made my way to survive and grow, it tako a time till the first troll clan attacked the server, they close the brimstone lake, various passages, walled every one who oposed they, and built a an square map large base near the black galeon, poeple on server was in panic It was needed a huge campaing of reports to get rid them, after 15 days of suspension they came back and started the trolling again, this time a lot of players leaved the server. I got my base walled by three months, none of my reports was listened.

I passed to the ignore mode and logged just to refresh my base till the trolls starved and left to siptah i think. Then the ToS came and my 2 years base was reported by a new group of trolls lead by the most know dupper/exploiter of the server, some of them had huge bases that stills stand nowadays being constantly refreshed. I was found guilty and was stroke by the B. Hammer. I was very upset and was about to leave the game. But a lot of friends here encouraged me to stay, well im adpted to the new rules and dont leave breaches to trolls hit me again using the system. Those poeple dont aggregate any value to the game they come harm as many they can and stop playing. Exchanging long term players by this type is not a smart move by the side of the company, even more with cashshop now, where you want to retain who generates incomings. A simple warning system or an e-mail sent could save a lot of problems.

The thing that i felt more is this lack of communication of FC with the player base and players individually, but it is starting to improve im optimistic.

Hope you could reconsider your decision, do not let a bad wave put you down is that what the trolls want. The latest patchs improved the game experience a lot. And old bugs was fixed, like teleporting with thralls on the rope. Im very positive and optimistic.

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