May 6th 2017ā¦
Weny into local gamestop to trafe in a few games and preorder WWE 2k18. Saw the bix for this. Immediately liked the idea, being a Conan 84 movie fan woth some knowledge of the ReH books. Preorder it.
May8th 2017ā¦Jumped on a pve-c server. Immediately knew my 60 bucks was well spent. Died and learned along the way. Join some randoms on the black keep and climbing all around the red mountains. Realized the conflict was rare. Decided to move to pvpā¦
May 15thā¦
Joined a PS4 server pvp. Clan Name, Swamp Ass. Went directly to the edge of sandstorm in Jungle. Built up. Went to get iron, and was chased back to my T1 hut by Thieves Guild. Made it, dumped my loot, went out with steel ax and medium armo to return the fight. Won.
May 21stā¦After adding 2 noobs to my clan, we built in Highlands.
May 22nd, eagerly log into start prepping as a clan. Run out my door and looney toon fall to my death from 8th floor. We had been/were being trebbed. Got in game chat amd pvpd. Most fun so far. Won a few l, lost a few. The teenagers (6 of them) started to brag how the alphas on server were planning to attack and run off a toxic clan, and they were gonna help. I stored this knowledge. That night ran into toxic clans leader. He dropped me a legndary. Not so toxic. I snithced out the teens. Clan leader agreed for a price they would wipe the teens, or better yet be our support and let us raid them ourselves.
We raid teens, alphas show up 50 statted, and the toxic clan protected us, even better likes us and added us to make a full clan of 10.
Get to the base of toxic clan, and realized, yeah my personal base sucked balls c9m0aref to the Gamenof Thrones Castle i alwas now living in.
June 5thā¦
25 players attack our base, 3 tokens in tow.
I kill one during summons. We treb the other guy during his summons, ,and our 100 snake arrow armed archers kill the last avatar. We loot 300 bombs. 7 vs 25 and we held.
June 8th,ā¦time for revemge and to clean the server. We wipe every clan involved over the next 3 nightsā¦
That is my story of becoming hooked in 1 month The next chapter living as alpha i may share next week