I was playing fine Yesterday, then tried to play today and twice the game crashed. Is mod related or something else?
My server is not working either. It has these mods:
If you have one of these mods installed we will have found the problem.
The Generals Tomb
Emotes for Thralls v2.1.5
The Lost Lore of the Exiles
stone statues
PvE Plus Ambush - v1.5.2
Ravencrest Couriers
Legendaries Reforged
Kerozards Paragon Leveling - Reloaded - v2.3.6
The Age of Calamitous
Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) v0.28.5
KPL - Smooth Leveling - Add-On - v1.0.1
If anyone knows that mod gives problems with 2.7, please say so
Its mod related.
thank you
thank you very much
So I will have to remove mods alright
That’s kind of your call. Most mods are still taken care of by their respective creators and, as such, they will be updated. Since most modders have jobs, they get to it when they get to it. You can remove them now if you don’t want to wait but any structures you may have built or items placed from those mods will likely disappear.
I understand
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