Fatal Error everytime I launch from Windows 11 gamepass

Game mode: [SELECT ONE] Online official | Online private | Single-player | Co-op all
Type of issue: [SELECT ONE] Crash | Bug | Performance | Other Crash
Server type: [SELECT ONE] PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE
Region: [ Please enter your server region ] USA
Mods?: [ Are mods installed: Yes | No ] No
Edition: [ Select one: Steam | Microsoft Store | Game Pass | Epic Games Store ] Gamepass

Bug Description:

A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Everytime i load the game it gives a fatal error screen and crashes. i have done 2 seperate clean install with the same results, tried many steps ive found online including removing some windows updates. I have not been able to play the game at all.

Installed Mods:

If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Step 1 uninstall reinstall
  2. Step 2 uninstall reinstall
  3. Step 3 remove updates, uninstall reinstall
  4. Etc.


Thank you for your report.

Our team is currently investigating this issue. Is your game installed on the primary drive (C:)?

I am having this exact same issue. I just downloaded this on Windows 10 using the Xbox app with the Game Pass. I have the game installed on my secondary SSD (F:). I can try reinstalling on my main SSD (C:), but my internet is slow and will take a couple of days. I would also really prefer to keep this game on my secondary SSD (F:).

One of my friends just installed this game today the same way I did and got this fatal error on launch as well. His game is also installed on a different drive from his OS.

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