Fatal Error Frustration on Saved Game only

I can play Conan, singleplayer, new game no problem. My problem starts when I try to load my saved game. Then I get the dreaded fatal error.

My drivers are up to date, integrity of my files are fine, windows up to date. The mods I have are all fine, I am able to use them on a ‘new game’. This is so disheartening to spend hours on a build & want to continue on it, only to get that error.
I played & saved a new game not 20 hours ago. Now I can’t load it, yet I can start a ‘new game’ just fine.

I tried the copy saved folder to desktop to see if I had a corrupt file. Again, no corrupt files. I can use all files/mods etc in a new game, just can’t load a saved game.

Edited to add: Someone on Steam suggested I uninstall Battleye & then reinstall it from launcher. This did not fix the problem either.

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Same on ps5 :triumph:

Edit: now it even says: “there is no save game to be found”
But if i want to start a new game it says: “a restart will delete your former save game”

Which one is it funcom?!

A save game is a basic function of every single video game in existence! How can this be seriously?!

Greetings Exile,

Thank you for your report. Could you please try to restore a backup of your saved file?

You can find it by following:

Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved

It should be the “game” file for Exiled Lands or “dlc_siptah” for Isle of Siptah.

Please make sure to back up your current saved file before replacing it with one of the “game_backup_X” files. Edit the name of the backup to match the above accordingly to the map you’re playing and try to load singleplayer again.

Thank you in advance.

nothing will work, its not the same game anymore after AoW, the game you once saved…is no more…

I guess you‘re right. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Once again a ton of hours for nothing… how exciting!
I guess i could restart again to have it screwed up again in a few days, i got nothing better to do anyway :sweat_smile:
May Crom help us… no… hold on…
he wont do anything either!

for me its just impossible to have fun in the game anymore doing the same **** that i did 1000 times over, im just waiting for them to make a conan exiles 2 or something :man_shrugging:t2:

he only takes :c …like funcom

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I feel your pain bro :unamused:
I’m tired of restarting too.
but no, conan exiles 2 by funcom?:person_facepalming: hopefully not, they are godawful

I swear to all gods: i will never ever touch a game made by them again! :sweat_smile:

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If this reply was for me, I have tried this method. Nothing is working.

I do use a different map than vanilla, I use Sapphire Exiles because it is beautiful & has flattened areas for building… I have never had the fatal error problem until now. I worked on a build for hours one day, tried loading it up not even 12 hours later & fatal error.


Manual para resolver o problema serve para todos @Funcom_Community :
Isso é simples de resolver… Você deve abir o menu antes de iniciar no servidor na tela inicial e abaixar todos as qualidades para o mais baixo ou mínimo… Esse erro acontece geralmente quando há algo para ser atualizado em sua máquina “computador”

Depois saia do jogo “Conan Exiles” verifique os arquivos Steam ou EpicGames e reinicie seu computador “PC ou NOTBOOK”

Em seguida assim que entrar no Windows confira se sua GPU está atualizada e também verifique atualização dentro do windows

Esse é o modo mais simples de fazer funcionar e não resolveu você pode buscar seu save.db e salvar em outra pasta em seguida inicie um novo jogo para fazer o teste se o problema é com seu jogo ou com seu save. Se seu save novo ou jogo novo funcionar saia e cole se save antigo onde ele estava antes… Cuidado para não se confundir e apagar seu save.db :relieved: Boa sorte !

Lembre-se de voltar com os gráficos para como era antes porém faça isso somente quando estiver dentro do jogo

If you read top post it says windows are updated. I don’t know what else to do at this point, but others are having the problem too.

Eu entendi e esse erro já aconteceu comigo porém pior mas vamos focar neste… Você usa MOD e mesmo mostrando que todos estão bem é para implementar dentro do conan isso não significa que algum MOD está com problemas entende

Em resumo existe algum MOD que você usa em conan que está corrompendo seu save “game.db” não podendo carregar novamente em sua máquina “computador”. :relieved:

Recomendo primeiro testar sem qualquer MOD então remova todos em seguida verifique os arquivos e somente depois inicie um novo jogo mas não ative nenhum MOD é um teste… Não use MOD para ver se o problema é com seu jogo ok :thinking:

Se não funcionar “sem usar MOD” envie um ticket para o suporte zendesk

if i learned anything in this life is never to buy a game in f***ing alpha ever again :smiley:
srsly never buying unfinished products in hopes they will one day be completed no matter how promissing they look…

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Why is there even a tech help if techs from the company are not even going to try and help their customers?

I see devs playing sieges, ok. What about helping people who bought your game & it’s broken so they can’t play?

Confused why a company ignores the bugs in their game.

I have over $200 in this game & this is how you treat customers?

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Thank you for your reply Tarindil and our apologies for the delay!

Taking into account the information you’ve shared with us, have you attempted to remove the mods that you are using and see if the Fatal Error continues to occur?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

I did remove all mods when I could not load the save. I tried adding them back in one at a time after checking to make sure they were all current. This has happened to another save of mine also.

I am using ‘Sapphire Exiles’ map for it’s gorgeous lands, hardly any mobs & tons of large flat plains to build on. I wonder now if it is that map.

Any help would be appreciated, I would love once more to work on those two saves.

Thank you