Fatality bug in sunken city

Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Mods: Pippi Primal Instincts Devious Desires Female New Faces Female body Male new faces Male body Fashionist Better Thralls IQOL More clan emblem Female legacy faces Barbarian Barber

Bug Description:
fatality won’t happen and says: emote: 0 not found in the data table - target: baseplayerchar_c_0

Bug Reproduction:
fatality bug in sunken city

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i was gonna upload a picture but it says: Sorry, new users can not upload images.

This is a common problem in dungeons with modded games of CE. The only workaround I’ve ever found (assuming you want to keep the mods) is to disable fatalities in the main menu.

If you want to keep mods and still have fatalities, then you will have to avoid any situation where you might start a fatality while in a dungeon. Otherwise you will get this same error.

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I think it would help your report if you specified what exact enemy and which exact weapon you were using when this happened.
Fatality animations are set up on the target NPC so they can vary per NPC and ofc per weapon.

This sounds like the bug that is happening in all dungeons where fatalities fail?

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Hey Xevry. First of all, It’s a pleasure to see you here. :rofl:

You’re right. I have actually tried all sort of weapons and same bugs happen for every human npc regardless of class, weapons, race, etc.

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