Firespark Arrow - Underrated, Under Developed

The firespark arrow. A great idea that is underdeveloped and underused. Here are my suggestions to add to the fun of using them.

Burn animation - According to the description, this is basically a thermite arrow. This arrow should give you BURN similar to the burn effect after a bomb goes off. Obviously, the arrow would not be as damaging as a bomb, but it should have some visual effect and damage that they can’t walk away from. The only way to stop it (before the burn time stops), would be a “use” water orb or have someone throw a water orb at you.

Being that it’s a burning weapon and a superior one at that, it should also do damage to structures or other items it hits. Ideally, this arrow should stick to things and cause burn damage. Again, unless defenders use a water orb or a period of time expires. I’d use the bomb burn time as a good reference.

Just throwing some more ideas your way to help improve the gameplay.

Personally I think they should spend some effort on a general combat revamp:

Equalizing thrall and player damage and decreasing the gap in hitpoints.

Rebalancing all weapons and make weapon damage more transparent (attacks per second, damage multipliers on attacks), add more damage types (heat/fire damage, ice damage, maybe split physical damage into pierce/blunt/slashing damage).

I‘d even like to see a new system of combat moves (e.g. light and heavy attacks, modifiable as charging attack, single target blow, sweeping strike).

Especially the damage types would make sense for the Firespark Arrow…

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The only problem I have with combat in this game is the ridiculous ability to heal in combat. And food…food should NOT heal you. At least not the way that it does.

I would get rid of the passive heal attribute and make food the reason you get passive healing. If you’re eating and quality of food you’re eating it should give you slow to medium passive heal.

In combat, you shouldn’t be able to heal. Why? Because you can’t heal without tending to wounds in ANY game that I can think of. This is why I like the healing wraps and my suggestion for improving the healing wraps.

However, fix that and things that should damage something SHOULD damage something. IE - an arrow that burns for a bit should cause damage to everything it burns.

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