Game mode: Online Official Type of issue: Bug Server type: PVE - #1507 Region: US
Hey there! A new clan on our server just got their first purge. They were located on the river in the middle of grid I-6, south of the Galleon. They apparently got a “Rocknose” purge, which might have been manageable, but it spawned over 10 Ice Rocknose Kings, completely obliterating them and their base. We’re not sure if the issue is that the Ice Rocknose King is a purge boss that wouldn’t stop spawning, or that this small, mid-level clan somehow got a purge that was way out of their league.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Have a 2-3 person clan, levels 15-40.
Build T1 base with amenities to activate very first purge.
Whoa, that’s exactly where my base is and that sounds like an actual challenge! Meanwhile, last purge I got in the same spot, all of us spent an hour trying to find a lost “Cackle of Hyenas”, but the darn fleabags ended up giving up and admitting defeat on their own.
That’s usually the kind of purges our clan has, too. Hyenas and naked people getting lost Though we’ve found our purge mobs stuck in rock walls, on top of neighbor’s roofs… stuck in more rock walls… nothing like this whatsoever! A few of us on the server went to go help out and clean up the mess and we got quite beat up for it. Was the most excitement the desert has had for months, for sure. Poor guys had no chance.
Yeah, usually I find them tearing up the bases of unwitting newbies who built too close to me, but my neighbors all moved away because they got tired of the constant repairs!
Edit: Ooh that screenshot! Yeah that ramp at left is what leads up into where my base would be. Man I’m envious now! My poor rhinos would love to have some bosses to play with!
@SirBowen Thanks so much! I use the wiki religiously but didn’t even think of checking purges there. My bad! I’ve been playing since beta and had never seen anything of the like, so immediately assumed “Whelp, something went wrong.” Appreciate the help!
I have a base at the waterfall shown in the picture (the leftmost rocknose’s tail points at it)… but even though I’m single-player so the Purge should attack the base closest to me, even if I sit right here I still get starved Exiles at my Camp 24 base. (Yes, even after the alleged patch.) I guess my road network is still confusing the Purge system.
That said… My defenses at the Galleon Base are built to withstand a bunch of raggedy pirates, not ten rocknose kings. Maybe I should be happy for the Exiles, who have at least figured out how to wear pants these days.
I know you’ve mentioned the road network before, and I’m pretty sure that you’ve also stated you play single-player. With that in mind, I was wondering if the road network was part of your aesthetic, or if you were doing it for reasons of syncing decay timers (like is done on Official servers), because I can definitely see them confusing the purge.
If it’s for reasons of decay (but you don’t want to turn decay off), then you can actually dismantle the roads and they’ll still be on the same timer. I play on an Official and my main base in I6 has outposts at Buc’s Bay, Pagoda of Boundless Lusts, Camp 24, Sinkhole, New Asagarth, and Mounds of the Dead all on the same decay timer. However, I don’t have a web of roads covering the map (doing so would rightly upset other players) because I just leap-from the foundations from one spot to the next keeping things clean.
Anyway, might be something for you to try out when you have a chance. Make a backup of your save, delete the links, force a purge, and then see what’s different.
Yeah, know this place as well !
It’s a good spot for resources, but purges can be heavy.
All depends and still matter of luck. I agree, the worst are the one with lost npc’s, especially hyenas do that fine.
Yeah the quick access to so many resources is why I chose it too.
As for purges, I think the toughest I’ve had here was Locusts. They spawned right around where the person who took the screenshot upthread must have been standing, and even the queen couldn’t have made it more than 20-feet before getting completely surrounded by pets and players. I think the only death was a newbie who had literally just started building next to me about an hour before. He wandered out to see what the commotion was and got a nice acid bath just as an approaching sandstorm passed over. (He was so new, he didn’t know what the sandstorm warning signs are I guess.) At least his bedroll was close though!
Can imagine, maybe first time he saw a sandreaper.
But sure, i remember also one with sandreapers. But never had the rocknose wave in this spot.
For sure still one of my fav place in the south.
Hey Exiles, we (2 player clan) also started on an official server (1005), building our base near the waterfall, quite quickly we had our first purge of starving exiles. It was fun, many players helped and we clubbed some great named npc. Shortly after that, our purgemeter was far from full, we only gathered and explored. We logged out on 16.45/16.50 and found when we logged in around 20.30/20.45 that our base was completely destroyed by the avalanche purge. All named crafters gone, all materials gone, all stations and gathered golden coins, gone. A plain disaster.
This ridiculous rocknose purge should be cancelled, be honest; how much sense makes an attack by mindless rockeating creatures? Why on earth would they attack a base? The exiles I can understand and please, why let them purge when none of the clanmates are online? How on earth can you defend your base?
Are you built near someone elses base? They haven’t fixed the roaming side attacks from others purges yet even though that was one of the things that is supposed to happen where purges are focused on main target.
I did try that. Broke the road connection to the Purge favorite base and went elsewhere. Triggered a Purge.
Starved Exiles, same base.
I was several weeks without a gaming computer due to a hardware malfunction, and the seller took a long time to replace the broken pieces, so I’m only just getting back to playing the game for fun, rather than science, but I’ll get back to the science soon enough. Purge needs more science, as does the thrall favored weapons “feature”.
This time it was a nest of snakes (snaaaaaaaaaakes!), but the target was still the same. The Purge meter was hot for several hours as I wandered around my network of bases, from Sepermeru to New Asagarth to the Den to Black Galleon to Flotsam to Pagoda. It wasn’t until I got close to my Pagoda base that the Purge triggered (this may be coincidental, but that’s where I’ve been most times when a Purge has triggered)… but the Purge still attacked the base at Camp 24, which I had been intentionally avoiding in the name of science.
Turns out, Frigga Falsehope armed with a chair leg is no match for a three-skull boss snake. She took too many stacks of poison and perished soon after we had killed the snake. Luckily I had another Frigga cooking in the merry-go-round at the same base.
No we where not close to, although the server is quite full, even to full and I noticed out purgemeter was empty after the disaster. We are rebuilding, but i’ve Seen quite some avalanches and they are insanely strong. Too strong in t1 and 2 areas.
Had this happen to me one before too! it completely wiped my base. Was in the Desert only had sand-stone and a few thralls and the game spawned this on me for my first purge.
I have to think this purge is bugged. My small clan on an Official Server just got decimated by this. A full T2 base was wiped out in seconds. The first two waves were just Normal and Corrupt Rock noses, no problem, but on the 3rd wave we got at least 4 Avalanche / Rocknose kings, hitting for 1/3rd of our health, knocking down, and cleaving huge chunks out of our base in single attacks.
Now, we didn’t have any Fighter Thralls (although our named bearer put in work before his demise) so I’m sure it would be “theoretically” possible to beat the purge, my main concern is that this purge seems VASTLY over tuned compared to other purges of Thralls, Spiders, Etc. that I’ve seen. I looked it up on the Wiki, and it lists a 1% spawn chance of on the gigantic Rockslide / Avalanche / Etc bosses. We got at least 4 on wave 3, 4, and 5. This smells like a bug. I could absolutely see one of those big boys being a “boss” of the wave, but spawning 5 of them at once? Seems head and shoulders above the difficulty of other purges I’ve encountered.
I could observe this several times.
Purge can be stuborn in a way, and focus one only base, and never chose an other one.
Had this in a testgame, where purge still attacked a small shelter i built in the south just after characters creation. I had lot other bases over the map after a while. But purge just attacked stil lthe one, 4 foundations, a smelter. Had to demolish it fully to change the target.
Then purge failed several times. Then swaped to volcano to melt them all.