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Put fish traps in water but no fish collect.
Nolonger can put fish traps in water well.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
3.how do I get ichor and oil
None of these are bugs. All are intended changes. You need bait to catch fish now, grubs, insects etc. Ichor is no longer given by cooking or pressing fish. Oil you still get by pressing fish but not as much now. To get ichor kill spiders or komodo’s and harvest them. Alchemists can make oil now or you can put lots of seeds through the press.
One issue was mass placeing traps for easy unlimited resources and this would and did cause severe server issues and crashing thus players abusing them lead to redoing the way it works but I’m on single player like you and understand the we don’t effect the online play but all received the same patch so yeah
Oil is the new bark. Bark used to be so hard to harvest when drying wood, now oil is super difficult to obtain. I think Funcom is trying to get us to use “greener” sources of energy to reduce our carbon footprints in the Exiled Lands.