How dificult can this be? We already have an early example of how this can work at serpemeru!
Why can’t i set my pets and thralls to be passive? Even on PVP servers, there are people who likes to roleplay! I want to be able to put guards at my gates that would’t atack anyone on sight, just if get atacked!
Yes please. I’ve been asking for this on and off on forums for over a year. Have a passive aggressive and defense setting toggleable from the thrall interface wheel.
not only a passive option, but also an option where you can set your Thralls agressive even outside Raid hours, so they can properly defend your territory, its ridiculous having archers tactically positioned but they won’t attack outside raid hours letting your enemy explore your defenses.
Funcom really should have someone to look at those things, give options for the players.
Much as I agree with your suggestion, I just can’t get myself to press the Like button on an OP phrased in such a passive-aggressive manner.
That said, I believe the good people at Funcom said in a stream a couple of weeks ago that thrall aggression settings is a feature they’d like to do because it’s something we ask a lot.
They also mentioned a few months ago that they were working on a wheel where you can give commands like passive and aggressive, but I dont know what happened to it, maybe it was more complicated than they thought. I just hope we can get “toggle all thralls to passive/aggressive” in the game asap and then they can expand on the spesifics later if they want. For example “set all archers to hold their ground”
The problem is that i don’t know why it is taking so long…
I don’t make games, i know nothing of programming, but is it too dificult? Just a setting to make thralls passive and other options like giving emotes?
When it comes to programming softwares too often what seems to be a very simple and straightforward function on paper becomes a programming nightmare when it’s coded. And the more complicated and huge your code is, the more difficult it is to implement new functions.
The great majority of players who play PvE-C, its because offline raiding, not everyone has time to babysit the bases when you have RL errands.
So, Im sure if they changed the way PvP servers behave it would attract more ppl in with these settings:
Player log in, in 2 min his buildings become destructible, player log off, for 1 hour the building still are destructible and after that becomes imune to dmg.
This way there would be anymore offline raiding, and ppl would actually have PVP.
I actually like this idea. this would allow the officials to also be 24/7 raid servers allowing for true PVP raiding, instead of offline raiders, and non raid hour farmers using thralls as immune (to other players and their thralls) storage containers.
The data switch is/was there, as we now know that the thrall refresh was/is based when I, or a clan mate, log in. Just use the log off time and start a damage timer of 1 hour on all structures owned by the clan when the last one logs off.
Yes, it is a system that would make more ppl play as it makes more sense for use the game for playing instead of being a nuisance for loosing progress while you are not online, and having decay, it would fit even better.
Maybe if we make enough noise theres a chance for FC make this change?
“Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” -Stephen R. Covey
If, as you say, you know nothing about programming or making games, how can you judge whether something is easy or difficult? Isn’t that like saying “I’m not a doctor, but brain surgery seems so easy. It’s just a wobbly lump of flesh, after all.”