Freeze due to Chalenges, Battle Pass and Baazar in menu


As the title shows, it is a very simple problem.

I have been experiencing since the begining of “Age of Sorcery” freeze screens when using the “R2/L2” to go to Chalenges, Battle Pass and Baazar. When I go directly it does not happen. It is not every single time.
But it happens every single day, more than once.

I have uninstalled and installed the game and it still happens. The performance of my PS4 Pro Slim continues to be normal in all other games.


Same thing here. Runs fine on my friends pro but basic PS4 freezes when browsing the pass, bazaar and challenges almost every time. Funcom hasn’t responded in any way to my inquiries about the issue.


Same thing, except I’m on PS5, with this most recent update, my game is far slower and it keeps crashing when I go to the Battle Pass or Bazaar. Literally half the time I go into my menu to check either, the game freezes and I need to shut it down or it crashes on its own. Before this update I had very little lag and very rarely ever crashed and/or froze. Not sure what’s going on now, any help @community? Thanks!


I find this problem mostly when i use R2 L2 on my inventory menu. But when i visit them by pressing left and choose from the wheel i never crash! It’s a workaround until the issue is fixed. If you didn’t understand what i just said (probably my poor English) i will send photos explaining!


Thanks for the tip Stelagel it does help entering the battlepass this way


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