
3.0 has caused intermittant crashing which is a gamebreaker. this has to be fixed ASAP or i cannot venture out ya know? anyone else experiencing? thanks!


A few others have reported this issue in other threads (both PS4 and PS5). I personally couldn’t play long enough after the update because everything is either gone or partly invisible.

Were you able to check out your base inbetween the blue screens?


Yeah suffering from frequent crashing on PS4.

From totally random when opening benches to 100% crashing everytime while trying to cast ice bridge


Yep, same thing, It seems ro be affecting DLC content cafted items a lot. I’m totally dissapointed, this should all have been tested before release. It measn you cant comfortably play the game snymore. Always in fear youll freeze in the middle of a boss fight or dungeon…


I’m on PS5, as is my clanmate, and we’re both experiencing this. Large bases, like ours and others, will cause frequent crashes. Also, looking through the menus, or just about anything, will cause it to crash. Obviously this wasn’t an issue prior to the update.

I can also confirm others with PS4s are experiencing the same.


Greetings dear players!
Thank you for your reports regarding the invisible items/structures and the crashing of the game.

Our team is already investigating it as we speak!
Please keep an eye on our forum for further details and announcements.

Thank you for reaching out to us!


Yeah. To learn sorcery it took me like 5 attempts. Every time I got back from that cave where you learn it game freezed when I was trying:

  • browse my thralls inventory
  • acess and navigate though out building menu via building hammer
  • acess chest
  • move to Bazar tab
  • acess radial menu.
    Also it freezed randomly while traveling on Exiled Lands. It seems like game freezes every 10-20 minutes after logging into your own solo map.
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Hey, where exactly is the cave? i woud like to at least try and find sorcery.

It’s strange that this crashing only started happening after I was trying to do challenges. I had a million other issues but doing the challenges seemed to actively caused my PS5 to freeze the game. I hope this helps troubleshoot the issues for Funcom but in the meantime can we uninstall 3.0 until it’s fixed?

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On PS5 i had one freeze yesterday. Needed to close the game manually. I was taking a thrall back to my wheel and was close to a base that startet rendering. Never had a crush on conan with my playstation before

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I had three separate freezes on my PS5. I was doing ordinary stuff when I had to close the game through the PS5 home page.

I’ve been playing on PS4 since 21hrs/9PM CET and it is now almost 2AM CET, and no crashes so far.
I also discovered that in certain regions on the map (Exiled Lands), tools and weapons will become invisible, and the moment I leave that arrea, they will reappear in my hand (Savannah area). The animals are still random; often I see them, but every now and then I’ll only see their healthbar.

I’ve abandoned my base and lvl 60 char for now, and am concentrating on the challenges (so far no crashes, lags or freezing) and building a new base on Telith Island (I have Build Everywhere on) with just Stormglass and Black Ice building pieces just to see which ones of all the building styles and base game decoration I can use because even some base game items are invisible (a few will suddenly reappear…)

do you have an ETA on a fix?

Post update:

Still freezing while trying to cast any spell…


Actually the loading is very long when you get killed. Only when get killed you need like 2 minutes in loading (with ps5). When i remove bracelet im ok

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Post update, playing on PS4 Single Player. Still freezing, most frequently on Battlepass / Bazaar screens, but also on others (once while trying to interact with a workbench, once while trying to interact with a thrall, once while trying to interact with a door).

I’d love to actually play the game and try all the cool new stuff but the update doesn’t appear to have done anything to fix the freezing problem, at least for me - game remains largely unplayable (I’m going through a process where it’s literally freezing within a few minutes of me logging on, I close application, log back in again and the process repeats, i.e. game freezes within a few minutes, etc).


Same here… there is no excuse to release something like this without testing for what are major and serious issues you cannot miss. They simply did not test and correct. Thats a shame.

Anyone having issues with the hostile npcs not showing their health and difficulty level while locked on to them?

Hello there everyone!

Thank you for taking the time to report this to us!

Regarding the situation, would it be possible for you to please provide us with a video of this occurrence?

Unfortunately, as of yesterday, Sept 7th, the freezing and lagging returned with a vengeance. I just wait patiently when it happens, no smashing buttons, but yeah, it is worse than before.

I just discovered a new problem but it’s not related to this so I’m going to look for a more appropiate thread (can’t place new thralls).