[ French ] Multi Spawn Creatures/ Npcs Bugs

Game mode: [ Online private | Single-player ]
Type of issue: [ Bug ]
Server type: [ PvE ]
Region: [All regions in the map]

[Multi Spawn bug]

Hello everyone, i’m french and the last saturday i had an update and since the game in solo/pve is bugged while everything was going well before, it appears three or four times more NPCs at spawn locations ( 2, 4, 6 etc )

Bon pour faire simple étant donné que mon anglais est très moyen, mais pas mon français, depuis la mise à jour que j’ai eu le week end dernier, il apparait sur les camps de spawn des exilés ou les points de spawn des créatures, trois ou quatre fois plus de pnj/ créatures que d’habitude, et c’est légèrement gênant.

This bug is well known and allready on the Trello Board.


but feel free to vote for it :wink:

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