Freya bug (returning home )

On offiacial 1100 im supposed to do the first hunting small animals with freya but when i go to her lodge it just says she is returning home ? is there anyway to reset this ? ive been trying for several days now.

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Do you let Freya kill all the respective creatures? And once she has completed a set it tasks, she tells you she needs to rest EIGHT rteal hours. Check some of the Guides out there - Eradicti0n did a good one a while back.

i cannot start the quest it only says she is returning home ive done it on other servers .

That’s an odd one. Dunno then. Perhaps there’s some other player interaction on that Server that’s causing the issue? (someone else who knows better will need to comment)
That it’s working elsewhere, for both you and the rest of us, means it works I guess.

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