since crafters are (wrongfully) becoming part of the world and it does affect the thrall nuimber
please allow us to repack thralls so we dont have to wipe hard to find thralls , we took time to find. at least for a week,
it sucks to have to go into my thralls that are all level 20, to dispoise them if i could just put it in a box for later use.
is there a posibility that we could have the previous crafter system in place and the new crafter system as a posibility? so you are not forcing on people how they use and control their thralls?
both worlds will be happy.
or implement this as a new type of thralls, a different type of legendary t4s that can only be part of the world and not inventory items?
Unfortunately, I don’t see any of this as plausible, but it would be nice to pick them up, but I doubt leaving at level 20 would stick. I think if we can at least put them away at the cost of a level reset, that would be fine. It would encourage trading again, as well as making you consider carefully who’s worth picking up and who’s not.
Repacking thralls resets their level to 0. And their random growths are randomized. Basically its as if you got a new thrall entirely.
If they start working on a system where their levels and growths are saved into an inventory item. It would be several chapters after this one before you’d see it. But it seems thralls as inventory items are being phased out entirely.
well you can set rules, such as , it needs to be level 20, (so they loose all progress, that will stop the abuse of packing and repacking to get better growth chance rolls, you can only do it once a day or once every 3 days. so it does not get abused. (that is for deployable thralls )
crafters will be all at level 0, and considering how wonderfull barkeepers level i dont think it matters. i am sure the crafters wont have much to level, what for? they are not fighters.