Let the bar have more T4 thralls for sale until the disappearing thrall syndrome is solved

I’ve seen some crazy things but a pseudo surge of thralls falling out of the sky in the north at 0,0,0 is pretty darn weird.

I made the mistake of preparing a bunch of uniform top notch gear for my crafters, only to lose it when selecting the recovery option to bring them back nekked.

As a quick “Oops were sorry about that!” response, how about Funcom sends those juicy T4 crafters into our bars with high frequency as cheap and easy replacements?

They will be placed in the world and the thrall cap exists so we can’t really “stock up” on them.

What say you all?


I think I found a fix!! It’s worked so far today with multiple relogs.

My Thralls were getting stuck pathing from one area to the other when I noticed them disappearing. My Thrall Pot was against the wall. Once I stopped them from getting stuck (by moving the Pot into the open) it stopped happening!!

Good Luck!

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