Reduction in T4 spawns

Is it just me or has the spawn rate been reduced for t4 thralls since the update?
Bonking thralls is what I do in this game. I’ve gotten pretty good at knowing where to find them and what to expect. Over the course of the last 3 days (not counting the guaranteed berserker or gothrad spawn) I’ve gotten 4, count them 4 named. Before the update I would have gotten 4 in just a couple hours.

Wouldn’t this be the perfect end to this fiasco. First get rid of our thralls THEN make them harder to get. Can someone say Artificial Content.

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We have been thralling for days too and not replaced lost thralls. Cages are terrible and random, rarely full. I need specific thralls for crafting… ugh :skull_and_crossbones: It feels like thralling is suddenly useless.

With all the messy changes and my T3 leftover artisans corralled in an “employee lounge” (because they need to have a fixed location rather than be on stations :rofl:) I feel like I am playing a different game. :frowning_face:

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We need to start asking for an increase to T4 crafter thralls for a week or so. Increase spawn rates to 100% decrease their timers so everyone has a chance to replenish their bases

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because they changed the mecanism to have near 100% prob to have t4 thrall with surge level 9 or 10.

yeah i know the original system to hunt for t4 in camp was working very well before, and was even a main goal of the game giving stuffs to do and allowed to travel and explore map, but someone decided to throw that in trashbin to do what we saw we update.

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Maybe is something about the level you have.
If you are 60 level,is so easy to save T4 thralls,starting a new game and leveling to 60,i don´t know if previously leveled characters works the same.
T3 raise stats quite a lot,there are camps with more options to get crafters than others,and a different way to get in,there is always a respawn point,so,you can try 3-5 times the same camp,trying differents ways in or same way,

In my experience, Sepermeru is still hot with t4s. I got an entire collection of base crafters within 5 cyclings except for a smelter… that’s with shieldwright and bladesmith.

However I will say that due to my sleep schedule( yeah I have one. shut up, I’m old), I’m there in the early AM for server restart and I will say from my experience, weekends provide significantly more t4 thralls than weekdays.


that i confirm since release,I always noticed a better probability for t4 to spawn in just after server restart; and especially each sunday, it has always been like that.

yes and server restart is better for cages too, I noticed.

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