T4 spawns, Why further break the game

Anyone else notice the ninja nerf to t4 spawns in the siptah camps. Wonder what the reason is for further breaking the game.


Not really t2 and lower was mainly useless anyways they just made t2 useless now. T3 and t4 still unlock stuff.

T3 alchemist can make oil t4 can make tar.

T3 carpenter can make twigs and t4 can make wood out twigs.


90% of the game tbh.

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in addition to what @Styker added, T3+ taskmasters unlock the chain bindings and cooks at every tier unlock recipes.

Do not all thralls, regardless of tier, reduce craft times by varying percentages also?

I guess it depends on your playstyle whether one finds them useful or not. Personally, I can’t imagine having a base without thralls at every station. It makes it feel more alive if nothing else imo.


Yes, they do, and it can be a big difference in your crafting pipeline.

And don’t forget being able to craft steel reinforcements out of iron reinforcements with steelfire. That, in turn, allows you to get 1 steel bar out of 1 iron bar and 1 steelfire. Instead of smelting 5 iron bars and 1 steel fire into 1 steel bar, you first convert 1 iron bar into 1 iron reinforcement, then turn that iron reinforcement into steel reinforcement as described above, then dismantle it into a steel bar.

Takes up much more time than smelting, but you need to farm 5x less.


I know, but a named thrall will make it go faster. The whole process is excruciatingly slow compared to smelting. Not that I’m complaining, that’s actually very good game design.


Another one of these threads. RNG hasn’t changed. No, I don’t care that you’ve been through some camp x amount of times and insist its different.

That’s RNG.


That’s what I’m doing - 4 of all the production benches with T3’s on board. Need more speed, benches and T3’s are cheap and easy. Works nicely. Good tip!

Have you tried that though, Oh my gosh… I was sooooo happy when I found out a T3 could make oil :oil_drum: - saved me hours per armor suit.

Oh you built right in the water… That’s a good idea! I was running back and forth 200m to and from the lakeside. Even like that though I don’t wanna hafta do that again.

  • Waaaaait for worms,
  • divide to traps,
  • waaaaait for fish,
  • divide to presses,
  • waaaaait for oil.

Or was I doing it the hard way? Compared to that, the

  • Safari for ichor enemies,
  • hack some trees,
  • make oil fast.

seems so much less painful. :slight_smile: But I get that it’s whatever works… Hey, “Zen And The Art of Game Oil”… it’s all guud. That is a cool setup you got going there - looks like…

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Yeah, I learned that really quick too… Make same number of traps as compost boxes. I think I had 40 going… I prolly should have (would have) doubled or tripled that but I found out about the other method and went off in that direction.

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