Game mode: Main Menu
Type of issue: Funcom Live Service
Server type: Main Menu
Region: [ my computer ]
Mods?: Yes | irrelevant issue is at main menu
Edition: Steam
Bug Description:
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Funcom live service fails to allow the player to play the game
Installed Mods:
If you answered ‘Yes’ to using mods, please list all your active mods. Otherwise, skip or delete this section.
Irrelevant as unable to connect to any server
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Step 1 launch with launcher
Step 2 watch as game fails to connect to function live service
Step 3 retry, fail. reboot, retry, fail.
search for solution, see it is an ongoing issue since inflicted on users with an resolution of ‘it isn’t our fault that we rely on third party services that don’t always work’
post this bug report in the vain hope that it will be the straw that encourages the ‘service’ removal since it blocks users from playing.
Hi @Dana ! Probably connected to this problem, so I don’t open a new thread for now, but:
In singleplayer mode, if I set steam offline (and changed nothing else), then start the game, I can not play because CE says: ‘Failed to login.’ I know, I did not even want to login anywhere, that’s the point of offline, but still. It is present for 3 days, before that, everything worked fine.
Yepp, at start when the main menu appears, the message appears too. I close it, click to play and the message pops up again.
Will make screenshots if you want to (when I go home from work )
Well, well, who would’ve guessed…
It is possible to play in offline mode now somehow
When I could not play in offline mode, the DLCs I do not own were shown in the main screen, now they are gone too.