Game mode: [ Online private ]
Type of issue: [ Other ]
Server type: [ PvE-Conflict ]
Region: [ NA ]
Hardware: [ One X/Series X/Series S ]
Bug Description:
For the last 3 months, my two Conan Exiles have experienced an unwarranted suspension mode bug since your server host G-Portal has switched to a monthly subscription fee model from the 30 Day game time allocation. With this subscription model, I am charged the day before the server goes into Suspension mode and my player base loses the ability to play for days at a time month after month. I have now been conditioned to write a ticket twice a month in preparation for the suspension mode bug. I would suggest you partner with your server host immediately about this issue. Statistically, I cannot be the only server renter this is happening to.
At this point, my money is being taken for service that is not being provided and falls under consumer abuse.