Gaining Corruption Indicator for no apparrent reason

**Game mode Official**, Game type PvE, TestLive client Obtained through Steam account

**Official Server number** - Public Test Server - US - PvE ExiledLands

**Hardware info...** OS:  Windows 10 (x64), CPU 3.70 gigahertz Intel Core i7-8700K, GPU:   NVIDIA Gforce RTX 3070 Ti, Drives:  Samsung SSD 860 EVO 2TB (client), ST32000641AS [Hard drive] (2.00 TB), WDC WD2003FZEX-00SRLA0 [Hard drive] (2.00 TB), MoBo:  ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. ROG STRIX Z390-E GAMING Rev 1.xx, RAM:  31.84 Gigabytes Usable Installed Memory, GPU:  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti , Displays:  GBT G34WQC A (game display), LG ULTRAWIDE  (support info), Keyboard:  Razer BlackWidow Chroma V2, Mouse:  Razer Naga Trinity 

Additional details: Video available, but this system does not accept mp4 files

Short step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the issue…

Issue: Random Occurrence of Obtaining Corruption Warning.
Issue occurred randomly as my character moved about, and not always in the same spot. Location pictured in attached picture is a room above the main entry to the base but issue also occurred when entering base main gate. A search was made of the surrounding area and under the base but nothing suspicious was found. Recon of the surrounding area did not reproduce the issue. My character was not carrying anything unusual that could possibly be the cause, and if that was the case I would expect a continuous corruption warning. Base location is east edge of the lake with the Shalebacks on the island just north of Sep City NW corner grid square A-7. Area is densely occupied, but nothing the neighbors had appeared to be a possible cause of the issue. Advise if you want the video and how to transmit it to you.

I dont think its for no reason mate. You were probably stood near one of the new sorcery crafting stations or a teleporter. I noticed the same thing earlier when I tried to lose the corruption to change build. I put out a T4 dancer and I was getting the entertained buff but my corrptuption continued to rise faster than I could cleanse it. I moved away from the area with the dancer and that solved the problem for me.


Thank you for your report. By any chance, is the follower next to your character in the picture a dancer/entertainer? Or were there any followers of this type close by?

We await your reply.

Deffo sounds like there’s an Entertainer nearby. Them causing corruption all around only makes sense if they’re from Hollywood :smiling_imp:


Wdym?! Strip clubs are very cleansing…

We had this occur with near a dancer and assumed it was because we built too close to a corruption causing area like a cave. Will take a look this evening if the server is back up.

Hi Mayra, I’ve seen the reports from the community that entertainers are some how causing the corruption but I do not think this is the case. Please see my earlier reply to this thread

I put out a T4 dancer and I was getting the entertained buff but my corrptuption continued to rise faster than I could cleanse it. I moved away from the area with the dancer and that solved the problem for me.

Once I moved away from the crafting stations with the dancer the problem was solved… So this tells me dancers arent the problem.

Yes, the character is a dancer. I placed her there to cleanse corruption obtained while exploring the magic locations. Is this an issue with dancers?

I searched the whole area thinking someone might have some item near me that was doing this but found nothing. In fact once I left my area it went away. Later reports make it look like it’s an issue with dancers.

Thanks everyone. The dancer seems to be the issue. I’ll move her to a location not directly in the base and keep an eye on this until it gets fixed. Greatly appreciate everyone’s assistance.

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Update… Moved dancers outside base so they are not in contact with foundations and I no longer am getting the corruption warning indicator when near them (limited testing though). Perhaps it’s a reaction to contact with building pieces, sandstone in this case.

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Thats exactly the same as what Im seeing. If Im anywhere near my base the corruption goes up, but when I put my dancer on follow and leave the area it goes down.

That said, about 20 minutes ago I wanted to reset my attributes and my gear. I grabbed the new gear, put dancer on follow and headed out and I noticed 2 things I havent seen before:

  1. When I changed my gear my corruption went up briefly, probably due to the change in stats.
  2. My dancer is moving really funny right now, she takes a couple of steps and stops moving, takes another couple of steps and stops. I ran a good 30 foundations or so away from my base and the dancer had this same movement problem the whole time eventually she was so far back she ended up teleporting to me.

Asterios, I moved my dancers just outside the base (see picture). There was no corruption indication anywhere near them or in the base. I put some signs next to them to let the neighbor (just to the left of the gray horse) to let me know if he had any issues. In fact, I even climbed on the sign to see if that triggered it but nothing. It kind of looks like contact with a foundation may be the issue, but not positive on that.

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I had to set my dancers up on the top floor so I’d stop getting brief waves of corruption. It is the dancers.

It’s because you guys clearly aren’t tipping them enough.

It is kinda weird that they are simultaneously doing what they are supposed to do, and the exact opposite of what they are supposed to do, however.


Thank you all for the additional information. Indeed seems that dancers are revolting against us after all these years of cleansing corruption!

We are already working on collecting all of them for another round on the wheel of pain just for a few more days to make sure they remember their task. :sweat_smile:


Was wondering the same thing as it is when I’m standing near my dancers that I get the “gaining corruption” message and the "corruption hazed screen effect’ for want of a better description. The message messes with my head. But I have to say, Funcom… I’ve been playing Testlive non-stop (apart from work and sleep) and you have done a GREAT job with it. LOVE IT!


Yeah Ive been really pleasently surprised by how few bugs ive actually encountered and its so good to see @Caroll responding to bug reports and acting on them. It seems Bugcom… wait sorry force of habit… Funcom have got their act together and Im here for it. :smiley:

I was not surprised to find practically every legacy bug still in it.

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