Normally i don t take time to come to forums but me and a bunch of my friends are players of Conan for a long long time before DLCs. Honestly i cant grasp the idea where your taking the game. The game is dead, update just seem you really don t know what you are developping. We honestly love the game but we really would like to keep playing. Can you honestly give hope on the future of the game? PVP is just broken and the BAN system doesn t help the game, fixing the game helps the game (never been banned i play honestly), PVE our actual place is just getting less and less interesting when you reduce the farming spots of different resources because in PVP there are issues, menus that don t work and so on. Althought this sounds has a harsh critique it is more as a serious and concerning question on where this is going? You have a ton of players just waiting to get back since there is no other game like it, but no one will play it if it is just broken.
Kind regards