Game dosen't start

I had the same issue since the update yesterday. Like others I also have an intel 11th gen CPU. (11400 with a 3060 TI). Here is how I could solve the problem for myself:

  1. Open File Explorer.
  2. Right Click on “This PC”
  3. Choose Properties
  4. Select Advanced System Settings
  5. Select Environment Variables
  6. Select New under System Variables
  7. Enter the following:
    Variable name: OPENSSL_ia32cap
    Variable value: ~0x200000200000000
  8. Hit Okay

Not sure if a reboot is necessary, but I did one to be sure.

After that CE started allright for me. Obviously cannot promise that this will work for everyone, but it did work for me.

Edit: (Disclaimer)
Obviously didnt come up with this all on my own. The number of people stating they had current intel CPUs got me thinking that maybe this occurs with other UE4 titles as well and lo and behold it actually seems to be the case as I found a few entries of other UE4 with some problems with 10th gen intel and higher. So I tested those solutions and this one worked for me.