Game puts guarding thralls WAY below the terrain

Game mode: Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE

As the title says whenever I place a thrall or a pet to guard the game places them like normal, but after I leave that zone and go back, the guard is way below the terrain. And if I place another, the previous one disappears and the new one replaces them. Tried to rescue them before, nothing happened.

I discovered this because (another well-known bug) as you can see I was in the middle of a purge, but no enemies so I thought why not look around in ghost mode? And the I found my kitty cat.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Place follower to guard at around D13
  2. Go out of render distance
  3. Go back
  4. Follower submerges

Hey @rolee9309

Do you have any mods installed?

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I disabled my building-related mods, the lemurian architect and the stygian buildings, but the base is built of insulated black ice pieces.
Only vanilla thralls/pets were placed there (Dalinsia, the sabretooth, and Lian), but disabled the thrall-related mods such as increased T4 spawns.
Also terrain-related mods are disabled too (only one, the better textures one, but that screwed up some places anyway, disabled it earlier).
Do I try it with ALL the mods disabled just in case?

I just posted about this same issue here.

And this is on an official server with no mods.

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