Did anyone noticed sometimes it just changes some keys to NONE?
For example F key (loot all) changes to none and cant fast loot anymore? (until exit server and join back)
Other weird thing is while playing with controler style movement it sometimes randomly locks characters direction - so its always facing south for example and no matter mouse movement or keyboard input it keeps facing south… Anyone experienced that? Im asking mostly PVPers as mostly experienced PVPers use controller style movement.
Maybe i am doing something wrong? Maybe accidently i press some weird combination of keys and thats why it happens?
Now i completelly lost ability to LOOTALL with F key BUUUT only for placed oobjects, still can loot with F chests that appear in camps. Can Anybody tell me what is going on? Why game is SOOO BROKEN in almost every aspect?
Loot All for chests was removed because of complaints about looting an entire vault on accident. Its not a bug. It was a ‘requested’ feature. Not sure by what part of the community though.
It was disabled for workstations and owned chests and stuff at 3.0. I witnessed the very discussion and was present at the change. It was for the very reason described.
You still can loot all if you open the chest or bench. But not at the preview. Maybe that’s what you remember as it works still works for you after 3.0?