it says im playing the game then after 4-5 seconds nothing happens no error no nothing?! ,i have reinstlled and clean insalled and also re downloaded drivers and installed an uninstalled visual++
Hi @Woodenater!
Were you ever able to play the game or did this problem appeared recently?
Related to whole question above: does your computer meet minimum (or recommended) specs?
To make it clear:
- Steam shows “Running”?
- does the icon of CE show in the taskbar?
- nothing happens: Steam stops showing “Running”, the icon of CE shows and dissapears?
Edit: “playing” → “Running”
i have never played the game i just downloaded it and it never work i have tried so many things , when i click play i get a blue loading circle for 1 sec then it dissapears , it also says im playing on steam but nothing loads up at all , the conan exiles icon doesnt show up either , my pc does meet the required specs i dont know how to fix this please help.
This may sound like a silly question, how long have you given it past the 4-5 seconds?
This may not give any hints at anything, but my computer is over spec’d for this game and has no issues running it.
However, when I click the launch button to bring the game up, it consistently takes about 30-40 seconds to start up. Once it does, it loads fine and I don’t seem to have any issues, but the really long start up always had me confused and questioning…
(I actually was loosely determining it was my video card causing this, but as it wasn’t preventing me from playing and I didn’t dive too deeply into my investigation).
Does the game show up in your task manager as a open process?
If it doesn’t, and you start the game and the CE process comes up and just goes away, I’m not sure and can’t provide much help, however if the game doesn’t load after a prolonged period of time (do to my delayed load time, I myself would probably give it a couple of minutes as my load is average at 30 seconds).
However if the game process is showing up in the task manager after a prolonged time without it loading. Trying ending the games process to remove the listing and then after a short wait, try loading again.
(I have also noticed select cases where the game started (or has been on and then crashed) where the process did not disappear out of the task manager and wouldn’t load back up until I specifically ended the CE game process to clear the way for loading it again.
Sorry I don’t have more pointed help, but these are the first things that popped into my head in reflection to your issue.
my pc is overspec for it aswell and ive waited like 20 mins for it to load and nothing , i dont think the problem is my computer , i have just recently fully deleted steam and wiped everything off steam and redownloaded and still nothing ?
Sorry, I wasn’t trying to imply it was your computer. I just have seen the CE process get stuck before it it doesn’t like to load a 2nd time if a prior process is stuck.
Though, I do realize this is probably a long shot.
Have you tried clicking on Conan short cut and run as admin?
Okay lets get this figured out. So we have one person/computer that won’t run the game. We have thousands of people/computers that run the game. This is a big stretch but I think the odds are there is something wrong with your computer, did you reinstall windows?
But seriously, the problem is probably related to Battle Eye, reinstall it and run it on servers that require it.
Could your firewall or virus protection be blocking the game?
I can confirm that I’ve been helping him and we have tried everything reinstalling visual c++ and direct x also deleting x input a fresh install of Conan and a normal reinstall of Conan still nothing even deleting anything under the app ID of Conan and a complete steam reinstall also drivers have been uninstalled and updated still just says he’s playing the game then nothing happens no splash screen no nothing even task manager just says battle eye service is running then automatically kills the program and just tells him to press play on Steam again he’s not been able to start the game since he got it help would be appreciated if there is any other fixes at this point
Have you tried starting the game without battleeye?
Yes still nothing even uninstalling battle eye and reinstalling does nothing literally a lost cause and I doubt a dev will ever respond or help
was CE always (re) installed on same location? If there are more drives, maybe try moving the game.
Note: No need to reinstall, define new game folder on another drive and move the game.
I guess worth a shot, should only take few minutes.
i have moved it to ssd and hard drive and it made no differnece , also moved steam out of program files x86 and still nothing
what about
In your play prompt, did you try
As you may have tried, I failed to see direct response to those 2 questions
Sorry about BattleEye, I read reply by @Convius too fast
Another question:
Did you purchase CE to your account or are you are trying to play through “Family share”?
Edit: I guess it should not matter, just kicking in the dark, maybe I hit something
@Woodenater, @Convius please take a look at this one:
this thread is exactly 1 year old. Could be unrealated…
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