Game is suddenly giving me a error when i click play didnt do that before

i played the game a few days again nothing wrong, i start teh game up today and i get the following error message as soon as i click play from teh main menu

nothing changed on my PC since i last played it, no additions of new games or hardware changes.

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Did you click on “Continue”?
If so try “Launch”, and navigate to your safe/server via the game menu.

Continue should be fixed the next time you play.

Some times the temporary files for continue get corrupted and the game is unable to launch via the continue button.

I tried both options, but both ended up with teh same error message
when i click ok on that message, a battleEye failing message appears and then i get thrown back to Steam.

hardware and software wise nothing changed on my side at all, i just logged out of Conan a few days ago, and starting yesterday when i wanted to log in again i had this problem

i also did a verified all files and it turned out no corupt or missing files

Could be something is “holding” the file, like antivirus ect.

Did you reboot your system between your last good play and first problem?

What happens if you doubleclick the conansandbox.exe?
location: “…\Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64”

well as i said i did disable all scanner programs firewall virescanner spam scanner and what not, that didn’t help

yes because when i played Conan when it was working a few days ago i shut down my PC when i was sleeping, so it should count as a restart :3rd_place_medal:

the weird thing is, i double-clicked the conansandbox.exe. as you said and teh game booted up fine and i could play it ???
So why does clicking it from steam doesn’t work and gives a error, but starting teh file itself does.

and secondly if i start teh game by means of conansanbox.exe, will it still load battleEye seeing i also play on servers.

Did verify file integrity in Steam do anything?

did that to it just came up as all files veriiefied and no missing files at all

also i dont mind starting teh game that ay its a small inconvenience, but i am more worried about battleEye and if i get kicked of from official servers that have it active

i dont like to get banned

  1. If you don’t have battleye enabled you can’t even get on official (unless something has changed).
  2. Don’t recall what are default settings for just starting the .exe file, but I think battleye is enabled. Try it.
  3. @prologue1337 was on point from the start. Something is broken on launcher side.

You can also try a reinstallation of Battle Eye

@RaShCl, is there any way you could see the full title of that error message you posted? It shows the path to a file, but it’s truncated.

Also, when you say “BattlEye failing message”, what does the message say exactly?

oh oki i probbely didnt copy the complete line to the picture of that error message
but its weird on my screen the error message is clearly seen as a good gyazo picture if i hoover over it
dont know why its truncated, let me see if i can do it another way i assume i can attach a file or something, and about teh battle eye error its just a shutting down message because conan is not starting three steam

oh i see what you mean let me get the full line i thought you where talking about teh gyazo link not working

G: \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Conan exiles\ConanSandbox\Binaries\Win64\ConanSandbox.exe its the path to where i have i have conan exiles exe installed

and with error of battle eye launcher, i meant it stopped running after conan stoped

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There are two possibilities I can think of. Either the files were created with some weird combination of permissions and ownership on the filesystem, or there’s another process that keeps an exclusive lock on that file.

Are there multiple Windows users on your PC? Did you check the permissions for the .exe file? From what I know about BattlEye, it’s basically a kind of a rootkit, but I’m not sure if it circumvents normal permissions to the file or not.

nope only one on my pc anybody that would touch it gets kicked out.
and i dont know why a file would be hijacked by the game, seeing nothing changed on my PC no new hardware and no new software installed

It did work fine until i logged off a few days ago and now when i start teh game its like this

i have played on official battle eye used servers and it worked , until yesterday

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Yeah, I don’t know why it would be happening either. I’m just trying to help you diagnose what the problem might be. If it was my computer, the first two things I would do would be to: 1) check the permissions, and 2) use a tool to see if some process is holding an exclusive lock on the file.

For checking permissions, what you need to do is open the directory with the .exe file in File Explorer, right-click on the .exe file, select “Properties”, go to “Security” tab, inspect the permissions for each user, and see if anything looks weird. To be extra thorough, you can click on the “Advanced” button and check advanced permissions, if you know how to navigate there.

For checking if there’s another process locking the file, I would recommend downloading Process Explorer. Once you run it, make sure to select “Show Details for All Processes” in the “File” menu. Then try running Conan Exiles with BattlEye support, and when the “cannot access” error message pops up, go to process explorer, open “Find” menu, select “Find Handle or DLL”, write ConanSandbox.exe in the “Handle or DLL substring” text box and click “Search”. This should, hopefully, list any processes that have a handle open for the .exe file.

i know and i am grateful for the help
I cant fathom why the permission would have changed to something else if it was working before, nothing changed.

oki i opened the file in File Explorer and right-clicked the exe file, then clicked properties, but there is no security tab only this screen
And the advanced button doesn’t give check advance permissions

also, i am always logged in as an admin user, since i live alone, and nobody else lives here

and about the rest of what you say i have no clue what you mean concerning the process explorer
i am not that technical

i also found a conan exilesbe.exe i assume its teh battle eye version
but when i run it gives a error message and a screen opens to fill in teh details and send it to the developers, teh game keeps loading and it starts but as soon as i close the error message, it crashes

if i leave it on screen teh game starts up and i can play, but the error message will stay on teh screen

dont know if its interesting but i thought i mention it

well found out what you ment looked at it and tryedf it but no change, file is not hijacked,
i give up, they always know a way to screw up a working game.

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