My level 50 character is stuck in ghost form, since she died inside a locked room during a mission (“Appeasing the Flame”). There is no way to get to the body, as it’s inside the locked tomb; the door won’t open to her in ghost form, hence cannot rez. A cabal-mate suggested abandon the mission; I did that but nothing changed. I filed an in-game petition about a day ago, haven’t heard anything. This character is completely unplayable until this is fixed. /stuck and /reset both do nothing. Logging out and back on also no help. Any hints on how to fix this? There has been no response from Funcom support.
BTW: currently on a patron account. Getting frustrated that there has been no response to my in-game petition for a day.
Came to say what Aeryl said. Fun tip- you can explore the Breach, and get stuck, in Anima form. Had someone do that, so I went and got myself stuck in the same way, then figured out meet up in Anima form worked.
How do I rez at an anima well? It doesn’t offer an option to rez, and like I said trying /reset and /stuck don’t work. My character does re-appear in ghost form at an anima well when I log in.