God avatars in PVE-Conflict on Official Servers

We play on an official pve/conflict server 2732. According to our event log, parts of our base are being destroyed by “snake”. We Have a very large, well built base and love to build, so this is frustrating. My question is…is this a snake from the wild someone is dragging over to damage our structures or is it possible to summon the set god Avatar on an official pve/conflict server. Just trying to figure out who is doing this and why. According to server settings avatars can be summoned for 60 seconds but I can’t find a clear answer anywhere if avatars are functional on pve/conflict servers. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

I’ve had a similiar experience on pve-c 1041…

I noticed that huge portions of my base were damaged and some foundations + walls missing.
I was nowhere near a purge, but could see in event log that all the damage was caused by scorpion, now I have walls all around the base and they were intact + pets and fighter thralls, but still the scorpion had a little more than 30 minutes of fun destroying without being attacked by my defense.

Some guy on the server told me that my pets and thralls didn’t react to the scorpion, they just acted as if it weren’t there.

My theory is that it could be a mix of glitch and a purge creature spawning inside which were meant for a neighbor base, but it definitely is annoying not knowing what happens to your base when you’re offline, especially in pve servers.

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Thanks for sharing that. Your purge theory makes sense. We were more thinking someone dragged it over and kept it on aggro to let it do damage, but that would be pretty hard to do. We are about to test that out by dragging a snake to us and see what kind of damage it does. Because we do have some troll types on our server that would do it, if they could. But, now I am leaning toward your glitched purge theory. Thanks!!! Though I am still not sure if religious avatars are functional on the pve c servers

Snakes are a new purge. And they can destroy builds pretty easily. Set Avatars would destroy much much more than what you described.

So it was so doubt the snake purge.


Thanks! I think you two are correct. Thanks for the info, we really appreciate it!

Something you need to know:

If a purge targets your neighbours, the spawned enemies will attack everything that’s near to them, so if unluckly they spawned near your base they can attack your base instead.

Even if it’s not you the one purged.

I think it’s your case.

You can actually summon an avatar in PvE-Conflict, but it’s useless because it’s unable to deal damage to other clans structures.

A third case is if enemies aggro a boss and lead it to your base waiting an archer of yours will aggro the boss. If it happens it’s possible for the boss to damage your base while trying to kill your thralls/pets.
In this last case it’s an intentional attack by another clan (using unfair tactics).

But usually it’s impossible to have real destruction this way, a dragon my enemies used on my base just killed 3 of my thralls, but only scratched my walls with area-attacks. Because anyway the boss targets the thrall not the structure.

I agree. I had a snake purge with two boss snakes, one attacking each entrance. Those, along with the numerous mini-boss snakes can easily knock down T3 foundations.

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