Grey Ones Fist Fighting Bug and Weapon Loot Exploit on The Isle of Siptah

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah

Bug Description:

Ever since the Age of War Chapter 4 came out there is a bug where they don’t spawn in with their weapons on them.

There is a 50/50 chance that they will. But even then they don’t use the weapons on them. They will always use their fists.

If you kill one that has a weapon on them their body will drop to the ground, while leaving the weapon on them floating in the air.

They still drop the weapons as loot.

Apparently when they spawn in with a weapon its not truly connected to their body and acts like a static mesh item and why the weapon just stays in the air where it spawned in with them.

Some times they will even spawn in with two weapons while one is connected to them but it is not used and left in the air when killed.

If you were to leave the location and return the floating weapons will some times de-spawn but not always.

Greetings @AdisiTaliWaya ,

Thank you for sharing this!

We’ve forward it to the development team so they can investigate.

I’ve also had Grey Ones only using fists. They drop weapons on corpses, but I’m not seeing weapons on character models or floating weapons after death. PC on Singleplayer

:brazil: feedback Conan Exiles bug pc xbox ps4

Esse bug já é velho :sweat_smile:

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