Enhance your gameplay : mods and settings
This will be the place to describe various mods and settings to use for tanking (and other roles, potentially).
Here’s an introductory video:
List of useful mods:
- AgentSwitcher (useful for druid agents switching, good contribution for optimal aggro generation) : https://github.com/SecretFox/AgentSwitcher/releases
- AutoRepair (the latest update allows to automatically buy potions once you reach 0 - to enable it, type in the game’s chat /option AutoBuyPotions true ): https://github.com/SecretFox/AutoRepair/releases
- BooBuilds : https://www.curseforge.com/swlegends/tswl-mods/boobuilds
- EffectsUILegends (my current setup - March 2019: https://pastebin.com/U2xS0cZz): https://www.curseforge.com/swlegends/tswl-mods/swl-effects-ui-legends
- HPP (life percentage display on target’s life) : https://github.com/SecretFox/HPPercentage/releases
- Advanced Weapon UI: https://tsw.curseforge.com/projects/advanced-weapon-ui-swl
Advanced tanking
Cleansetanking : dungeons
Cleansetanking : E10 NY raid