Hacker reports are being closed while conversation is active

I don’t understand what’s going on. There are a high amount of players reporting Blue Ranger for hacking and even though the posts are fresh and actively discussed they are also being closed. Why are we being stopped from discussing all these hacks that are going on right now?


FC panicking.


i agree this is hard to understand, seeing those massive warning coming from players on their forum that signal a heavy hack that is currently used on pve server and that have never been seen before and that will simply drive away of the game and company hundred of players, community management of funcom that see those messages should at least 1/ be sure that zendesk people are aware of situation, and 2/ give them the message that this is an urgency to deal with, and then 3/ after that ONLY, ask people on forum to fill zendesk report.
it’s what a former employee of FC as hugo, would have done.

but the be sure to respect our guideline and send report to zendesk and closing the thread, i am not sure this is the good way to give support to customers and doing well the job, just my 2 cents, at least you shoud tell that it was asked to zendesk people to give a special attention to this currently experienced problem, but that yeah a report need to be done in proper form.


Some have said its pointless fighting hackers – its just whack-a-mole.

Maybe, but this is one big fat mole just sitting there taunting Funcom. You’d think they’d want to do something.

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zendesk solves nothing, they fcking dont understand that banning some alt accounts dont solve the problem. They should fix the the exploits those tools uses, or at least change the admin password. Hacks are hard to fight but losing admin control of a server is the end of the road for an IT crew. I was willing to buy some cron coins this week, but i think i will save the money for soulmask now.

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If you don’t know about it you’re not going to google it to find it and use it.

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So… “hackers”, or a single “alt”… yeeshh…
Well, those two can be normalized.

Wowsers… No one needs to know… Its swamp gas… delete topic… lol

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