Devs closing discussions related to hackers

This is the third post that I’ve had closed in the past two days after simply asking what is being done to combat the hackers. There ya go people, there’s your answer, they ignore it!

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They can’t do much about it, unfortunately, mate. I hate those fkrs too. They are a long time scourge plaguing online gaming, but this will only find resolution when they are criminally prosecuted, something I don’t even see on the horizon. All companies try to fight them. None has succeeded, @4T3N .


It’s still something that should be given the courtesy of free discussion.

Closing threads asking, demanding, inquiring, musing, what have you, on what Funcom is doing about this plague are valid. It is viable feedback that should be welcomed.

Something that should be dealt with.

So when we’re silenced on the biggest problem on Official PVP that prevents us from playing the game fairly it feels like they don’t care. It shouldn’t be like that.

And if Mods are catering to reports on a thread then shutting down because some try to obfuscate the issue then they’re silencing the wrong people.


It’s some baby back bullshizzzzz

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Funcom’s enforcement team Zendesk is absolutely horrid to deal with. The hacker i am trying to get dealt with his not even hiding the fact he is doing it. Add insult to injury, the last reply i got from Funcom about my report was that “no violations were noticed”. They were looking at the wrong server. 11 days for hte investigation and they look in the wrong place.

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Yeah, and the “TLDR” discussion does not help it a bit.
The problem with “not being hacking” and knowing it is not, does not concern just a concept. It concerns WHAT must be done.

If you keep insisting on calling hacking something that is not hacking, you simply barking on the wrong tree to solve a problem you yourself cant know what it is.

If you complain about a problem saying it is -hacking- it is a matter of knowing where the code allows for an exploit that is NOT INTENDED by the devs, and therefore is doing something they are not mainly intending the system to do. If they dont find it, there is no problem to solve.

If you understand that the problem is something the game DOES DO AS INTENDED, but it is being used in its intended form with implications that make it unfair, it is not the same people, the same troubleshooting and the same solutions to be sought.

A game developer once said: “Players are often right when they say there is SOMETHING WRONG, and often wrong when they say how to solve it”.

Due to thing like that. If you cant go and reproduce what someone is doing, the fact that you cant does not constitute evidence that those who are are using any sort of exploit or “hacking” to do it.

And if you want to talk like people did in the previous closed topics, they should that hacking and exploiting are also two distinct things.

And that is one of the reasons most topics about hacking end up being closed.

People always go down to the road that “anything I cant do myself and other people can is hacking because I know how to do everything the game offers in its intended use”.

One of the simplest, most effective and quick ways to use the game rules to have an advantage of knowing how the game works and using its intended features against those do not know is the way to kill a playing “seemingly” by one hit, using the fact that the game does not really keep the data in sync. So you can use the intended feature that accounts for the impossibility of immediate response in a server populated by different pings in different moments to use the response in order to make a “stealth”.

This is not an “exploit” per se, because you are not exploiting something the game does “wrong” or “badly”, you are using a feature in its intended function to have a net effect that is not “fair”. The same way someone can “cause” rubber banding which is a intended thing the server does, as it does.

Hacking is when you do something in the game that it is not intended to do, by using something that is not intended to work in the game. It is a whole other issue.

The solution to solve the problems that using the shortcomings of the game systems to have advantage would be do what most other games do: Use its own networking systems to prevent people from leveraging their knowledge over how Unreal networking architecture works. If the game does rely on that, and uses it as it is made to be used, it will be left open to be used by someone who knows how it works to their advantage over those who do not.

Any modder that have made any server specific mod using the networking know that. They do not need to have used or even played in a PvP server to know it is not only possible but easy to exploit generic networking in UE to create the exact things people “mythically” think it is a “hacking magic”.

The Youtuber Callum Upton, to cite one, always talk about that specific thing about networking in games and why server games which have no proprietary networking development always will be vulnerable to simple leverage of the “roughness” of pre coded engine networking.

Often, the cited YouTuber explains what I just said to expose game scams and etc. But as a collab with some other YouTubers, due to his specific expertise, he is always commenting on this factor. Networking is the main issue for many game projects, small or big, because very few game houses seek to have an equally skilled networking developer to work in their games.

See… from a kernel perspective… there are no hackers. It’s all processes. User discretion is advised.

On another note, I find this article quick and interesting to read: Black hat, white hat & gray hat hackers

Trying to help… the pieces are there but this much shouldn’t close the thread. I’ll stick to the “about” in such threads.

If I use a script to access game options that are not available on the public servers, I have hacked the game. Hacks do not put options in game they just allow you access to ones already there.

In NFSW it was called a trainer, in pubg they had various scripts. In my experience the person using the hack is very rarely the person that wrote it.

Battleye is only good for spotting running hack apps.

An exploit is not a hack, you’re not using anything external to the game, you’re tacking advantage of a game bug.

Note: One of the reasons I see hack threads closed is nameNshame. Don’t name suspects or clans.

What people commonly know in Conan:

Exploits are something everyone can do without the aid of external programs. Like duping or using a series of actions to get under the mesh.

Anyone can be a victim of lag or they can ping abuse.

When you use injection programs you’re not just exploiting, you’re using a program to manipulate the game. Not intended. This is not in the moment code breaking hacks by some mastermind hacker with a sinister smile laughing while they hit box pull you. It’s usually a dweeb that is taking revenge that spent way too much money to have access and fumbles at first. This isn’t intended as a mod for singleplayer or as a feature on private servers. But it is what everyone commonly refers to as hacks.

Anyone invested in the game seriously knows even where to get them. They refer to it as hacks. The providers refer to them as hacks. There’s even procedures.

So sitting here, thread after thread, trying to call a spade a potato doesn’t help. It makes you look like you’re excusing it. Or, you’re very misinformed.

Funcom is not stupid just incompetent in addressing it.

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and yes and this even the definition of the dev in the tos, use of third party program = hack, when we talk about hack we talk about that, and there is actually an invasion on pvp server of people using third party programs and so hacking.

so mr @KorgFoehammer please stop to mess with thread that are feedback of people who have encountered this problem. same remark for @dzonatas.

or come play with us to see and if you want i can you send some spicy video of hackers in private.

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Thanks. i appreciate that because I’ve been offlined twice a week. Fun?

To answer the thread: We need a formal request to merge more than two of the pvp game servers. We don’t need to wipe, but look at the ~240 slots to transfer items. We know the merge works, if it is about trust.

Anyways, I haven’t been able to do the fortress thing since being nearly wiped for no good reason. :upside_down_face:

its not about been raided offlline, we dont talk about that, neither about glitch thank you are lucky if you have not encountered what we had, now as we have and you not, let us give our feedback and i sent you in private 2 links of the last report i did that was treated by fc, and would say this time congrat because they treated this hack case in 3 days (i hope they will continue to put priority on real hacking case reported with clear evidence)

and congrat also to funcom for have patched all the bug that allowed to glitchers to build base in mesh, outside green wall and in the sky all those ■■■■■ apparently collapsed after last patch (we had to wait for 4 years and had to express a lot of feedback about this problem)

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I did mention earlier, that from a kernel perspective, the processes look the same. Notice we didn’t talk about exploiters, exploits, DMCA (mods), and more.

Have fun!

They rely on “scripts” to do their work for them. The same worthless scripts that allow these hackers to build their sky bases and meshes. That’s the level of incompetence we are dealing with.

Honestly at this point I’m surprised there isn’t a huge class action lawsuit. We paid for a game and can’t play it as intended on their servers without having hackers ruin it. It’s unplayable. Privates aren’t good enough. This company and their games are a complete joke.

As far as i heard from serious players patch of the 16th solved all problems with bug base, from now all will be on map accessible.

iie Conan Exiles- What the latest Hotfix was about and why it’s so important !!! (

You do not need a hack to skybase. For undermeshing there’s only very unique circumstances where you do need it. These are by and large exploits.

You need a net limiter which is a third party program. I’m aware of how they do it. They use hacks. I know what I’ve dealt with.

That’s 1 method.

Not true. We are dealing with a coan that is repeatedly making sky bases as of last night. They did “fix” some of it. But the lag switch method is strong with this clan. And on top of it, by not banning immediately, they are transferring to new accounts as we speak.

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