Happy New Year for all exiles and their families.
I also wish all Funcom staff and their loved ones a happy new year.
Happy new year, full of health and Croms strength!
Happy new year everyone!
In my first attempt I used four times as many explosives per surface area, but while doing the castle interior I bumped into one and it set off everything. Top half of the castle was entirely gone, but looking at it turned my footage into a screenshot, with rings of fire stuck in the sky.
I ran a bit late since I had to start over, and then I spent four hours cutting and processing the video, which should normally be a 10-minute job, but I got an unspecified error and it took me way too long to figure out it was because I was not encoding the audio.
The ‘Happy New Year!’ text appears too early, and while I like to pretend that it was a shock wave, I very clumsily fell off the rock at the start there, but I only finished half an hour before my midnight, so had to call it done. Still happy I had something to show.
Next year’s version will be better…
Happy New Year to all. Except Bakt-Nimlot.
Laggy New Year.
Happy New Beer.