I have seen atleast one person complain that they got removed from raid finder.
The incident that is vivid is a player being very angry about it - he said basically he was only there to help as a healer and did not even need anything from RF on that toon.
He had two people from his instance told him why he was removed … he just got angrier … he denied that he did it … One player continued to respond to his typing to say that it was not only one instance of the angry player spreading miasma but three…and this is why the vote-kick succeeded. This did not calm the person down at all … instead the angry person shifted to a personal attack on the player who responded to him … and the abuse flowed for about 20-30 minutes …could have been longer but I had to log out.
The NEXT day when I logged in the angry player is still typing abuse towards the one player out of 16 who had vote-kicked him…the only player out of those 16 who had bothered to engage with him over why he was kicked.
The NEXT week - the angry player (on an alt) starts to abuse the person who had told him why he was vote-kicked when they ended up in group together…
This type of incident is why I disagree strongly that the person who initiates a vote-kick or those who click “yes” should be identified … a one-off incident leading to days of abuse and harassment …
@TheWhiteHat re: your suggestion - yes I had suggested that making it so multiple people need to initiate a vote-kick before it spawns for the rest of the raid as a solution to the vote-kicks being started without good cause (ie troll or spam kicks) in the other discussion thread on vote-kick being abused which is now closed.