Ever since that new feature was introduced in game, we hear people screaming they have been victims of “harassment” and wrongly “kicked-out” from RF instances.
When I personally think most of these people crying probably are the previous well known ‘afkers’ basically complaining about not being able to be in a RF to grind the loot, without actually participating in it, I also see some kind of issues which could be abused, and result into some troll kicks for example (even if I have not seen that many yet) or personal payback between two players which could lead to players being kicked without being guilty of anything bad in the current instance of RF.
Bullying or harassing someone because of what he did is wrong if he is currently behaving.
Let me be clear, to me, “I know you, you are a troll”, “I have seen you afk in RF for more than a year”, “You are a pvp cheater”, “I dont like your face”… is not a good reason to kick a player if that player has not done anything wrong in the current RF instance. A player may have misbehaved in the past, in other occurrences, but if he does his job in the current instance, he shall not be kicked for whatever nasty thing he did in the past. Of course those who know this player will surely keep a close look on what he is doing and not hesitate to initiate a kick when he does something wrong, but before is just wrong.
You will surely argue more than half the raid need to vote in favor of that kick for it to happen, and that’s right yes, however in fight situation, when a vote is cast in the middle of it, I can assure you most people just dismiss that pop up in the middle of their screen as fast as possible and often follows the vote without looking any further.
Aren’t most people just sheeps following any Shepard they see?
I am not sure if this has been proposed yet (I dont pretend I read all forums eh) so please forgive me if it was already, but I was just thinking of that small thing, which I think could be some kind improvement, and maybe fix most of the problems/complains.
So here is the idea:
Why not simply require a kick init from 3 different players before rolling that kick vote out?
This way either 3 players will have witnessed the same ‘bad behavior’ from the players in question and initiated a kick on him on their own, or the one wanting to initiate the kick will have to give the reason in raid chat to get support from 2 more player so the vote is rolled out.
It is just an idea which I think ‘may’ resolve most of the issues, but I may not have thought of all the consequences involved.
Hope you like it.